Welcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!!
This book contains:
Slight gore/angst if I feel like it
Memes and scenarios
Cute stuff
And that's pretty much it-
Thanks for visiting my boo...
Lol this is probably getting annoying I'm just tired-
Names: Wren and Fenrir (unknown surnames)
Nicknames: Angry Irishwoman, Birdie, Wulfie
Ages: Wren is 19, Fenrir is 18
Personalities: Wren is highly energetic and hyper, always up for an adventure and always active in some way. She's smart, but clumsy and lighthearted, so those traits usually outshine her intelligence. She's silly and loves to make her brother and others laugh, and extremely memey. Fenrir is similar to his sister, but more chill and less prone to be a dumbass. He's truly a sweetheart and would do anything to make his sister and friends happy. He's also a bit of a puppy- he gets excited easily, gets attached easily, and loyal as heLL-
Backstories: Currently, Fenrir and Wren's backstories are pretty unknown, besides that they were born in Ireland and moved to America when they were around 16 I believe.
Species: Human (or maybe not??-)
Looks: I don't feel like drawing their official designs rn so here's something I did for St. Patrick's day-
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Weapons: Wren is a rough-and-tumble sort of person, always loving a good hand-to-hand fight. However she does like to use darts for long-distance fights, bow and arrows, and for close quarter combat, a long dagger and a sword with Gaelic engravings on it. Fenrir isn't much for violence but if the time comes, he's armed with a long dagger.
Friends: Quite honestly, their only true friends are each other.
Family: Unknown parents (possibly deceased)
Fears: Losing each other
Best friends: None.
Crushes: None.
Likes: Wren loves the outdoors, warmth, swimming, and any activity where she can be kept entertained. Fenrir likes the outdoors and indoors, occasionally reading, warmth, and rain (surprisingly).
Dislikes: Explosions/loud noises, pain, seeing each other hurt, and gore.
Extra: Wren has a headband for e v e r y t h i n g. Her default bandana is red. Fenrir was born on Wren's birthday, funny enough. These two were supposed to be some main characters in an old book I started a few years ago but never even finished the first chapter. Wren is fascinated with Gaelic culture, and isn't afraid to show she's Irish. Wren has a really distinct Irish accent, while Fenrir's is like Jacksepticeye's; not as thick but still noticeable. Wren nicknamed Fenrir "Wulfie" because his name is the name of a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology, also because he has such a puppy-like personality. Wren's name means small bird- obviously.