(Danganropa scenario-
This is gonna be super short compared to my other scenarios/oneshots, probably a few hundred words-
Also forgive me if I get anything wrong with the school or the characters-)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (doesn't belong to me)
Togami Byakuya (doesn't belong to me)
Mondo Owada (doesn't belong to me, only shows up in the alternate ending)
Nightbird (My OC)=-=
"Bird~!" a certain red-eyed brunette called out as he walked through the entrance of the school gym, looking for his girlfriend Nightbird. Ishimaru was in an unusually good mood that afternoon. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
He paused as he noticed the gym was completely dark. He reached for a light switch on the wall. "Bird? Are you pranking me again...?" he asked. There was no reply. Eventually he did find the switch, and flicked on the lights.
Immediately he regretted doing so.
One hour earlier...
Bird let out a quiet huff, taking her hair out of the short ponytail it was in and retying it. She had just got done with practicing some new aerialist moves, and was taking a short break. The girl had just been chilling alone in the gym for the past two or so hours, dedicating that time to working out her Talent.
Bird stretched and sighed, brushing some stray locks of hair out of her face and tucking them behind her ear. She sat down by where the long silk-like fabrics ended, just calming down. It wasn't long before she heard the doors of the gym open and close.
Bird let out a small puff of irritation, as she didn't like to be interrupted during her exercises, but looked over, moving to get up. She was surprised to see Byakuya- out of everyone in the school, she never expected him to visit her.
"Uh, hi," she greeted awkwardly, standing up. The blonde just waved a little. "Hello," he muttered.
Bird blinked, looking around as he approached her. "So...what're you doing here? I thought you'd be somewhere else...?" she asked.
"Just came to say hi."
'Weird...' Bird thought. She seemed a bit suspicious and took a step or two back. Togami didn't seem to care and glanced at the streams of fabric to his right, before moving and starting to walk around them. Surprisingly, he struck up a conversation with her about her Talent, what exercises she did, etc.
Bird's guard lowered a bit. She was always comfortable talking about her Talent with others, even if it was Byakuya, someone she considered a minor rival. The teen turned away briefly, turning her back on him for a minute to check her phone, as she'd heard it chime.
There was a moment of eerie silence, then the quiet shuffling of fabric, which made Bird pause. She was about to turn around, when all of a sudden a section of one of the streams of fabric was thrown around her neck. She yelped, dropping the device in her hand, more focused on getting the tightening loop of silk off her neck.
Let's just say, she was much stronger than Togami expected, as he struggled a lot with her constant pulling and squirming. He eventually just sighed, pulled a pocket knife out, and stabbed her in the back. Obviously that shocked her long enough for him to tighten the noose to the point it started to suffocate her. Pulling the knife out of her back, drawing blood, he simply just held Bird in place until she eventually went limp. The last words she would've heard were, "I'm sorry."
Togami dropped the body, stepping back. It took a moment for the adrenaline to fade, and he calmed down rather easily. He stared at the body for a moment, before stepping back, turning around, and walking out calmly as he stuffed the knife in his pant pocket. He flicked the lights off as he walked out.
Hopefully now he'd be free from Hope's Peak.
Alternate Ending.
Somehow, Ishimaru managed to convince his best friend Mondo to come with him to get Nightbird.
Mondo and Bird were never big fans of each other, the main reason being how soft Bird tended to be, while Mondo was the opposite. Ishimaru really wanted them to at least be friends, he didn't want his best friend and girlfriend to be rivals. So he thought it'd be best if Mondo walked with him to get Bird.
As they approached the gym doors, Ishimaru paused and perked up. "What?" Mondo asked, noticing his behavior. Ishimaru stayed quiet, before abruptly throwing the doors open.
Let's just say the duo didn't expect what they saw. Nightbird violently struggling to get out of a noose made of the aerialist fabric, and Togami trying to strangle her to death. "Stop moving, damn it-!" Togami hissed, while Bird tried to bite his hand. The blonde seemed completely unaware of Ishimaru and Mondo, and more focused on killing Bird.
Mondo was the first to act, darting over and grabbing Togami in an arm lock, pulling him off the girl. Ishimaru ran over and started to untie the noose, tugging it off her neck, while Mondo knocked Togami out.
Ishimaru stepped back a little once the noose had been completely untied, letting Bird breathe for a moment. He immediately hugged her after a few seconds, asking her a bunch of worried questions at a time; What happened, why Togami was there, was she okay, etc, etc.
Needless to say, Ishimaru refused to let Bird out of his sights after that.
926 words (Scenario + Alternate Ending)
Hope you enjoyed- this was surprisingly fun to write-
There's not much dialogue and that's only because I'm better at describing stuff than saying stuff-
Anyways I hope you enjoyed-

OC Forms/Art Book 4!
RandomWelcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!! This book contains: Slight gore/angst if I feel like it OCs (A LOT) Memes and scenarios Cute stuff And that's pretty much it- Thanks for visiting my boo...