(I swear this is the last Danganronpa oneshot-)
This is honestly just how Bird would have died had she not been killed/killed someone- she would have starved herself to death after Ishimaru was murdered.
Characters mentioned:
Nightbird (my OC)
Nightshadow (my OC)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (mentioned)
Celestia Ludenberg (mentioned)
Aoi Asahina (mentioned)
Makoto Naegi
Byakuya Togami (brief appearance)=-=
An ear-splitting shriek echoed throughout the school, scaring almost everybody that heard it. Nightshadow, who was with Asahina, Celestia and Makoto, straightened immediately. Her pupils shrunk to a slit, and she abruptly bolted in the direction of the Physics Room. Makoto ran after her. "Shads? Shads!" he yelled, trying to chase her down. No such luck, she was so much faster than him. He eventually caught up to her, noticing the girl with vitiligo run into the storage room.
He poked his head into the doorway, and froze up with a gasp. Nightshadow was knelt beside her sister Bird, who had broken down into hysterical sobbing, trying to calm her down. Not even a few feet away was the dead body of Ishimaru, Bird's boyfriend.
"I...Ishimaru...!" the brunette exclaimed in shock. Nightshadow stood up, practically supporting her older sister. Bird didn't even seem to notice Makoto. Togami, standing a few feet away, seemed disappointed. He clicked his tongue. "Pathetic. You should have listened to me. This is why you should never get atta-" however, before he could finish his sentence, Bird had halfway-snapped out of her shock and abruptly snatched him by the collar. The blonde seemed surprised by her sudden action, and tried to wiggle out of her grasp.
No such luck, she just yanked him closer. What came next was never expected to come out of Nightbird's mouth. She started screaming at him, a flurry of curses and insults, shaking with what used to be pain and shock, now rage. Togami could've sworn he saw a dark red color start to seep into her once-vibrant green eyes, her pupil shrinking to a dot, slowly becoming a bright red. Nightshadow abruptly pulled the enraged girl away from the blonde, pushing him away with a hand as well. "The both of you, calm down!" she hissed, yanking Bird closer to her chest, dull green gaze fixated on Togami with an angry glare. "And you, shut the f*ck up, now's not the time to start lecturing on how everyone should listen to you." That sentence was said with extra poison in her tone. By this time, Bird's irises had gone back to their normal green, but she still glared with tear-filled eyes at the male.
Makoto moved out of the way, letting Shadow and Bird leave the room. He sadly looked over at the others in the room, before walking out after the duo.
/-Timeskip a few days-/
There was a quiet knock on the door, followed by Asahina's concerned voice. "Hey...Bird? Are you awake? We um, we got you some sweets...!"
The gray-haired girl stayed silent, curled in a ball on her bed, hugging her pillow. Her eyes had lost their vibrancy, being replaced with a dull shade of dark green. She did nothing, just burying her face into her pillow. She hadn't left her room in days, and had spiraled into a deep depression since the loss of her lover.
Nightshadow, who stood beside Asahina, sighed softly. "We're worried about you. Please...come out," she said. This time, Bird spoke. "Leave me alone..." she muttered, her voice monotone.
It broke Shadow's heart hearing her voice. Her sister had never sounded so...empty. She looked at a defeated-looking Asahina. "Should we try tomorrow...?" she asked. Asahina opened her mouth, probably to object, before hesitating and sighing. She hung her head. "Yeah..."
Everyone assumed Bird would recover on her own. She was strong, they figured she could get up on her own. Yet, she never showed up to the cafeteria. For several days, Bird hadn't come out of her room, which raised concern and fright. Shadow was sick of it. She couldn't stand to see her big sister like this. Asahina watched as her friend tried the doorknob, just in case Bird had left it unlocked. Surprisingly, it gave way. The patch-skinned girl paused and looked over at the brunette, before entering.
The room was completely dark, save for a lamp in the corner that looked about ready to burn out. Bird was on her bed, as expected, her hair messy and no longer in its braid, covering her face. Ishimaru's jacket was draped across her shoulders, the red fabric that was formerly tied to his arm now tied to her wrist. She seemed to be asleep. Shadow approached, reaching out and brushing some of the dark gray locks away from her face; immediately she sensed something was off...she didn't remember Bird being that pale. Before saying or doing anything else, she checked her pulse.
"Well...? Is she...?" Asahina asked nervously, standing in the doorway. Every muscle in Shadow's body tensed, and tears welled up in her eyes.
Bird was dead.
852 words.

OC Forms/Art Book 4!
SonstigesWelcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!! This book contains: Slight gore/angst if I feel like it OCs (A LOT) Memes and scenarios Cute stuff And that's pretty much it- Thanks for visiting my boo...