Why not-
1: Bandit is actually red-green colorblind. Kala likes to prank her sometimes by writing messages in red or green marker/pencil just to frustrate her-
2: Alyx has developed separation anxiety and will probably never leave Theo's side now-
3: Luther is...pretty intimidating in a fight. He's that one overly calm, scary opponent that can snap your neck without even trying.
4: Luther's sclera (the white part of his eyes) will glow a pale blue when he uses his telekinesis. That's literally the only visual cue that he activated it, like how Midnight's eyes turn cyan when she uses her super-sight-
5: Luther used to get bullied/teased for being quiet af in school. He never really fought back and just ignored them, and refused to use his telekinesis. Eventually the bullies got bored of him not giving a reaction and just left him alone.
6: Brooke is close to mastering her agrokinesis already, and she's only around 15. (She can control and summon plants at will)
7: Harley can actually swim pretty well. He prefers not to though, mainly since it takes a long time for his fur to dry and it gets annoying-
8: Keane has a few mental issues.
By 'a few', I mean PTSD, depression, anxiety, phonophobia (fear of loud noises, in his case, gunshots and explosions), (mild) social anxiety disorder, and thanatophobia (fear of death).
Physically, he's deaf in his left ear due to an explosion when he was still in the Army. He sees things blurry in his left eye too, but that isn't too much of an inconvenience since he can still see-
(And don't get me started on his scars-)I kinda feel bad for him-
9: Keane and Raven are actually black and gray lynxes. Their pelts only look blueish because of light angles and how dark their fur is.
10: Diesel uses her tail as a pillow. That's it that's the whole fact-
11: In the Fantasy AU, Xander is a huge attention hound. He likes to ram into Alyx's side headfirst in wolf form randomly just so his brother pays attention to him.
Then again Xander's a reckless loose canon that gets hurt easily so I mean-
You kinda have to pay attention-~°~
12: Fix and Songbird absolutely love to fly together. Songbird's way faster than Fix, since she has actual wings though.
13: Colden (an older OC) has lived alone his entire life. Literally- he doesn't have parents because he was an experiment, after he broke out he took to living underground, and has basically never really gone to the surface since-
I imagine that'd be a pretty boring life-~°~
14: Alyx H A T E S having things around his neck. A collar, a cone, whatever the hell it is, he will immediately start trying to get it off. When he was like 14, he had to wear a cone due to an injury on his shoulder, and he hated every second of it-
15: Adan, Diesel's twin brother, has pyrokinesis. He can control and manipulate fire, and even turn different parts of his body (tail, mane, ear-tips, etc) into fire. Which is fitting- his name literally means "fire"-
16: Lynn Fireheart, my first "Subject 9" OC, is bulletproof. Which fits her personality really well-
17: Alyx can understand Welsh, Japanese, and Italian. How, I have no fockin clue-
18: Oreo has echolocation, like a bat. She's also extremely attentive to her surroundings- which saved her reckless siblings a couple times.
19: In the Parent Scenarios AU, Alyx is a voice actor/animator/concept artist for an animation studio. Bela and Luck are electro swing dancers and singers at a club, and Bellatrix stays at the vet to comfort sick dogs and cats.
20: Human! Nightshadow has a little black kitten with amber eyes.
21: Dusty Grey does have a power actually, she just never uses it. Like- never. It's a snow and ice related one. She's able to create a brief force-field like blast that freezes everything and everyone within a 20-foot radius. The freeze lasts about 10 minutes, and isn't deadly- it just paralyzes whoever was hit. She can also teleport using snow, no matter how shallow or thick the layer is, as well as being immune to ice water (as in, if she fell in an ice lake, she wouldn't be affected).
22: Keane fluffs up when he's cold. He hates it because he looks like a floofball when it happens-
23: Valerie, Diesel's best friend, isn't a purebred German Shepherd. Her dad was 87% gray wolf, 13% malamute. Her mom was a purebred German Shepherd. So, Val has wolf blood in her-
24: Keane and Raven are Canadian lynx, and Nightbird and Nightshadow are Eurasian lynx.
25: Nightbird and Nightshadow's parents actually weren't born in the USA. They were born in the Himalyas and captured by hunters with the intent to sell them as exotic pets. There was a buyer in NYC and the duo were shipped over, but their cage broke while they were on the road, and they escaped into the forest. The rest is history.
26: Nightshadow kinda kept her psycho laugh.
She mainly does it in battles, and she sounds like the damn Joker-~°~
27: Eventually, Diesel will be able to create full lightning storms and basically sorta be female Zeus by the time she's 21-
28: Mikasa is actually on pretty friendly terms with Mineta. Mio still sees him as more of an acquaintance since she doesn't really interact with him much.
29: Mio believes her Quirk is pretty useless, and has sometimes thought that maybe Bakugou's rude "you'll never be a hero with that Quirk" comments were right.
30: Gia has a wheeze that makes her sound like a teapot whistling-
(Oki that's it bai-)

OC Forms/Art Book 4!
De TodoWelcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!! This book contains: Slight gore/angst if I feel like it OCs (A LOT) Memes and scenarios Cute stuff And that's pretty much it- Thanks for visiting my boo...