Wow I really need to stop making AUs it's probably getting boring/annoying at this point.
1: Triple Threat
Alyx dies.
The end, roll credits.
I'm kidding here's the actual idea;
Alyx does die, when he's like...9. He gets killed by either some kind of disease or physically by a murderer. Either way, Bela has depression and occasional psychotic episodes, and no they aren't killing spree episodes. They're more PTSD, since she watched him drop dead. Really only Bellatrix is able to calm her down, since she reminds her of Alyx.
Another variant of that idea is switched; Bela dies and Alyx has those kinds of episodes and terrors.
It's kinda inspired by the song "Willow Tree" by Cadmium.
Bela died of unknown causes as a pre-teen, about 10-11, so, she was damn young. Alyx visits her grave often, and like the first idea, he usually sticks with Bellatrix because she's kind of his emotional support dog but also his sister. He tends to hide his symptoms the best he can, and prefers to be alone, or be just chilling with Trix.
Any ideas on what I should call the two?
2: Any OC(s)
It's an apocalypse AU.
That's it.
It's just your typical apocalypse, but it's overrun with deformed, hostile mutants instead of zombies or those creepy alien thingies in A Quiet Place.
All you have to do is keep any weapon that can kill someone quick with you at all times, like a gun or machete.
Some OCs in this are, off the top of my head:
Triple Threat and Luck
Midnight and Baxter
Nightshadow and Nightbird
Harley, Rivka and SkyeThe city of New York is basically all run down and deserted, but some survivors have made homes in boarded-up complexes and alleyways.
Triple Threat and Luck would be a mostly scavenger or fighter group. Meaning that they would purposely go out and find the hostiles and kill them, or get supplies and visit other survivors to help them. Alyx would definitely be a scavenger more than a fighter, but he won't hesitate to protect or attack. Bela is 100% a fighter. She will go feral and enjoy every bit of the fight. Bellatrix is a scavenger like Alyx, but usually delivers the supplies rather than gets them. Luck is a scout, and alerts surrounding survivors and her group about hostiles and how far away they might be.
Midnight and Baxter stuck together since the start. Midnight's backstory is a little different; Demolish and Pyro were murdered before she even met them. John went missing after she turned 10. Scar practically raised her and Bax until they were 13, where he was killed in a battle. The gang was massacred, and the siblings were the only survivors. They're pretty close to each other, and don't have that normal fun rivalry with each other. Bax is extremely protective of his little sis, and refuses to let her out of his sight, especially while searching buildings and alleys for food and other things. He doesn't have his black eyes, but he does have his scars, all from being attacked by hostiles. Midnight could easily be mistaken for being mute when you first meet her, but the second she opens her mouth you know she's definitely gonna sass. She's almost always tired, and kinda depends on Baxter when it comes to alerting each other for hostiles or other things. Honestly she's surprised she's still alive at this point.
Shads and Bird are the one duo everyone's heard of. They flit from place to place in the city, for no real reason they just like to go about. And having a flying ally is pretty damn useful when you're cornered by mutants. Shads has a scar across her face from that scenario.

OC Forms/Art Book 4!
RandomWelcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!! This book contains: Slight gore/angst if I feel like it OCs (A LOT) Memes and scenarios Cute stuff And that's pretty much it- Thanks for visiting my boo...