Welcome back to another chaotic book filled with OC oneshots, art, and new and old OCs of mine!!
This book contains:
Slight gore/angst if I feel like it
Memes and scenarios
Cute stuff
And that's pretty much it-
Thanks for visiting my boo...
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This is Chikako Ishimaru-
-10 years old. -Girl, she just looks like a boy (it's mostly the hair-). -Sweet tooth 100. -Probably gonna be the Ultimate Prankster tbh- -Tricky. -Always scares the hell out of Ishimaru, she likes to run off in public. -Bird's chased her down more times than she'd like to admit- -She eats ice cream from the bottom up??- -One time she got both hands stuck in paper towel rolls, and got really sad when she couldn't get them off because she thought she'd have paper-towel-roll hands for the rest of her life. -You can imagine her joy when Bird just...tugged them off-
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This is Hiroyuki Naegi-
-Smart af- -Chill, really polite. -Besties with Chikako. -Same age as Chikako. -Tends to reluctantly join Chi on her little pranks- -Smol- -He's gonna be the Ultimate Necromancer when he grows up. -Kid of Makoto and Nightshadow, if it wasn't evident at first- -Yes, he inherited Shads' vitiligo.
(okay so these guys only exist in an adult AU, Makoto and Shads are around 20-21, Bird and Taka are 22-23-) //
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Meet Statick! (I spent too much time doing the fonts on her name lol-)
-Statick is the oldest of the Purgatory Spirit trio.
-She works as the ferryman (ferrywoman-). Basically, when you die and if you go to Purgatory, you have to get in a gondola thing in order to cross the lake to get to the gates, like Hell. You don't have to pay her tho-
-Really funny and spunky, likes to joke around to cheer her passengers up. She's got that fun big sis vibe.
-Don't piss her off though.
-She was a surfer before she died, hence her necklace. She was killed when she fell off her board and got caught in a riptide, drowning before anybody realized she hadn't come out of the wave.
-25 years old.
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Meet Misery!
-Like her name suggests, she's miserable and depressed.
-The middle child of the Purgatory Trio.
-I think she takes the souls to the river so they can ride with Statick.
-She honestly just needs a hug.
-She drank herself to death shortly after Statick passed. Like, she tried really hard to be there for her other sister, but she fell into such a deep depression she just couldn't do it anymore.
-24 years old.
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Meet Psykho! (Pronounced like "sicko")
-Baby of the trio at 22 years old.
-She is a little sh*t that will scare you for no reason, annoy you every chance she gets, and keep everyone up at night.
-Huge tease, she often likes to taunt and joke with new spirits coming into Purgatory.
-She isn't actually psychotic, she just acts like it.
-Died in a car crash a few years after Statick and Misery's deaths. She bled out from her neck and chest due to glass shards before the ambulance could arrive.
-She works as a guard to the gates of Purgatory, along with some other buddies of hers. Basically they just open the gates for newcomers after Statick brings them over.
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Finally, meet Wisteria!
-She's a naga- the upper half of her body is human, the lower half is a snake tail.
-Was named after the beautiful wisteria tree-
-Half albino cobra.
-Really sweet and cute at first, very polite and respectful. However, once you get to know her, she's actually a huge daredevil, silly, and hyperactive. She can take a hint and knows when to shut up though.
-She's a forest guardian, like Xena, but Japanese-