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Chapter 8:



(Y/N) FINISHED THE FINAL word on her essay, smiling proudly at the paper that had taken her about 1 day - no, a few minutes if we were being honest - to do in her hands in the air. 

I'm finally done! she thought as she stood from her chair, some eyes from the other students in the class who were still working on their paper from last week. 

Walking up to her English Art's teacher, as placed the 3-page essay on the mahogany desk. The teacher who sat at the desk looked up at her from her phone, an unimpressed look on her face.

''I'm done,'' the girl said. Her eyes darted to the door, then back to the teacher. ''Am I free to go now?" she asked. The young teacher waved at the door. 

''Leave. I couldn't care less about where you do after you do your work and turn in the paper. If you fail, you fail,'' the blonde said. 

While (Y/N) was glad that she could just leave the room like the others when she was done, it bothered her that the teacher hardly cared about anyone in the room. Hell, if an intruder came in threatening to take her, she would probably just wave it off and give the whole class away. 

What can you expect? She's a bimbo for God's sake, the though, slinging her bookbag over her shoulder and walking out of the classroom. Some students and maybe one or two teachers were occupying the hallways but didn't pay any attention to (Y/N) which didn't bother her. 

(Y/N) wasn't one of the most popular girls in the school she went to, but not one of the unknown people either. She got invited to parties (which she always seemed to refuse to go to) and hanged around good crowds on the campus. However, she wasn't the type of girl to have hoards of people on her when she walked into a room. 

''(Y/N)!'' a male's voice called from down the hall she was in. Turning to her left, she made eye contact with Ethan, a southern, light-ebony sun-kissed boy who also was her best friend. He was making his way towards the teen with a smile on his face. 

''Hey, Sugar,'' the boy said, putting his arm around her shoulder and guiding her down the hallway towards her next class that he had memorized since the first day. She did the same. ''What's up?"

(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders. ''Mrs. Carrie made us turn in the 3-page essays she made us do since last week. I kind of just did it under the class period,'' she answered as if it was nothing. 

Ethan threw his head back while (Y/N) fought back a laugh. "Come on. It can't be that bad, can it?" she asked. Ethan shook his head. 

''No, you don't understand. It is that bad. You don't understand the struggle when she flirts with you constantly while you're just trying to pass a class to graduate!'' Ethan ranted, breathless. This time, the girl couldn't help but double over in laughter. 

Ethan was eye candy for sure. No one could deny that despite their soulmates existing. Hell, at one point, even (Y/N) had a crush on him. Mrs. Carrie was young and horny. She probably slept with every single person on the teacher's staff. How's she's still a teacher was beyond her. 

''But seriously, what do you want?" (Y/N) asked. To others, she may come off as rude, but to Ethan, he knows better. The girl was just blunt. 

''You know me so well,'' he said, earning an eye roll from (Y/N),' ''I need help getting into some of Hammer Industries files. They have some information I need.'' (Y/N) scoffed. 

(Y/N) was a hacker, no doubt. Computers were her shit. Ethan and herself used her skills to their advantage. Ethan had taken a liking towards Hammer Industries after the whole deal with Ironman and Justin Hammer, but (Y/N) didn't like doing throw big companies that were so easy to hack. 

''His firewall is weak,'' the girl said, already halfway through their security systems. Ethan rolled his eyes this time. ''I'm not a computer science geek like you.'' 

(Y/N) pardoned his words the boy guided her through the hall, throwing up a silent fist in the air when she finished. "Tell me what you want when I get home. I need to get to class quickly,'' she told him. 

 Ethan nodded. The both of them held their hands out, doing a complicated handshake that lasts for about 6 seconds. 

''See you around Sugar,'' Ethan said. (Y/N) bid him goodbye with a wave. ''See you later, Spice,'' she said back to him, skipping down the hall. 

The nickname between both of them was a constant inside joke of everything they went through. The pair had been friends for years and it all started when Ethan would get himself into trouble by ''spicing'' things up while (Y/N) had to sugarcoat things with the police to get him out behind bars. The names stuck.

But they can't always get out of things. 

(Y/N) felt tense as she entered her house. The tan paint seemed to peel off of the walls even though she had repainted them over the weekend. Were they like that before she went to school or while she was away?

Beer bottles, cans, and used condoms the girl knew she would have to clean up later were littered everywhere. The smell of fresh cigars that she had to put out if she didn't want the house to burn down in her sleep left a burning sensation in her lungs and flooded through her nostrils. 

The straps that belong to which of her bookbag were squeezed by her fingers, beginning to hurt as she closed the door to house quietly behind her.

Walking around the home, she saw figures aluminated over the light of the TV in the dark house. She tensed but realized that the two bodies were unconscious and just sleeping. Letting out a silent sigh of relief, she went to turn off the TV, running behind a corner to see if she woke them when she was done. 

A little girl is was she felt like, but she couldn't deny that she was terrified. Going up the stairs as quickly and silently as she could, she went to her room, leaving a crack in the door to hear when or if they woke up. 

Pulling her laptop from her backpack, (Y/N) uploaded the Hammer Industries coding and files she had pulled up on her phone while she was at school. Every now and then, her eyes would snap to the door at the slightest creak that escaped from the loose wooden tiles. Damn her paranoid mind. 

She really hoped they didn't wake up any time soon. She would never be able to get Ethan his things in time and when they really were awake, they were a nightmare. 

And besides, she didn't know what she would get blamed for this time. 


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now