𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘴

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Chapter 27:
𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘴



MAY 18TH, OFFICIALLY THE FIRST DAY of summer vacation. News of parties spreading around like wildfire in the town stations in Lousiana.

Kids could be heard outside of the King Household, the younger children who lived next door yelling loudly in joy. It was finally the end of the school year. From the sounds of it, they were probably playing with water guns.

(Y/N) sighed as she grabbed a beer from the fridge. The TV blasted loudly throughout the house, but she wasn't carrying about what was being played on the screens. Of course, the day that school let out, Justin decided to have a police get-together.

At their house. 

''Thank you, (Y/N),'' Blake Curton, one of Justin's best friends on the job, said to her as she placed the cold beer in front of him. He had sandy blonde hair and daring, fair green eyes. One glance at him and you could tell that he wasn't from these parts, but the community the lived in was very accepting of outsiders. 

The teen nodded. She learned over the years it was best for her to just be silent when they spoke to her. She figured that they must've thought she was a mute at this point. She went to make her way out of the room.

''How was the part? I heard you had fun,'' Blake said, a sly smile on his face as (Y/N) looked back at him, eyes widening for a second before they went back to normal, muscles still tense. She sent him a tight smile with a nod. 

Oh shit. Oh shit. He knows. He's gonna tell. He's gonna-

''It's nice to see you getting out there, kiddo. It hasn't been like that in a while, has it?" he interrupted her inner-monologue. Warily, she shook her head to agree with him. She knew he'd know it'd been years since she'd left the house to ever go to a part. The want to get out of the room inside of her seemed to grow even more.

So she did just that. Quickly, (Y/N) exited out of the room, moving to sit on the top of the stairs. It was a safe haven in the house that would give her a few minutes of downtime. It would do her well. Until it would hit 7. Then the men would get rowdy and the demand for her to deliver beers to them would get higher.

Should I call Ethan? Maybe then I could just leave? she thought, scrolling through all of the contacts on her phone. Her finger lingered on Peter's number for a good 10 seconds before she scrolled upon it, eventually pocketing her phone out of frustration. 

Would it be so bad if I just left?

It wouldn't be a new thought to come from her. It often came in the middle of the night when she was trying to sleep. It didn't seem like Justin would care that much. Maybe send a search team out for her for a few weeks, two months at most. 

He didn't care about her, after all. He only provided things that would keep her alive and make her look like she didn't stand out (that much) in society. 

A loud knock came from the door. (Y/N) sighed. It had to be another one of her father's friends. Had it even 5 o'clock yet? 

Going down the stairs, she swung open the door. She was expecting to see an off-duty officer, holding a six-pack of beer. Instead, she saw the tan-skinned women, familiar blonde tips in her honey-colored hair. 

''(Y/N)! I was about to ask for you!' Amy proclaimed, catching the teen in her hung. ''I couldn't find my key, so I just knocked instead,'' she told her. I wonder where it went, (Y/N) thought. As the older woman pulled back, a bright smile was on her face. 

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now