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Chapter 29:



(Y/N) SAT IN THE LIVING ROOM, Justin and Amy could be heard talking loudly through the walls from the kitchen. It wasn't helping her hangover at all. She sighed as she scrolled through her phone for summer jobs available in New York. 

What? A girl has to make somehow e̶v̶e̶n̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ s̶h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶o̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ a̶s̶k̶ T̶o̶n̶y̶ f̶o̶r̶ s̶o̶m̶e̶.

''She's 18, Justin! Basically an adult, so stop treating her like a kid! For crying out loud, she's about to go to college!'' Amy yelled, causing (Y/N) to wince. Her father really was bringing out the worst of her.

''She'll follow my rules and do what I say as long as she lives in my house!'' Justin said back, just as frustrated as his girlfriend. He wasn't exactly worried about her. He just like with her being so far away, he wouldn't be able to control her. 

''That's why she's going to be in my house. Like I said, basically an adult,'' Amy sneered. "(Y/N), are you ready?'' she asked, calling (Y/N) to her. The teen obeyed, going over to the older pair with her book bag on her back and two bags in her hands. 

''I'm good,'' she said, letting go of the bags to hold on to the straps of her backpack tightly. Justin glared down at her, not caring that Amy was there at all. 

''(Y/N), tell your father what you want. This is your choice,'' Amy said in a reassuring tone. (Y/N) gulped as she looked up at her father who easily towered over her. 

''Dad, I want to go to New York. It's just for a month and Amy will be with me most of the time,'' the teen said. Despite how confident her voice portrayed herm on the inside she was shaking.

Did her organs just vibrate?

The smell of alcohol from the night before still lingered on him. Did he even wash? she thought, internally gagging. Maybe he has a hangover, too? Nah, his tolerance is way too high for that shit. ''I'll be fine,'' she assured him, but it was more of assurance for herself. 

Sighing, Justin ran a hand over his face. ''Let me talk to (Y/N) alone, okay? Bring her things to the car,'' he said to Amy who beamed at his response. She grabbed the teen's bags (except her backpack which she refused to let anyone touch), racing to the car. 

Just as Amy exited out of the house, Justin grabbed her arm tightly and pushed her against the wall, the teen wincing in pain at both movements. His glare darkened as he looked down at her. 

''Don't think you'll get away this easily,'' he hissed. ''You don't deserve it after what you did to her.'' 

The sound of Amy's footsteps entering back into the house met both of their ears and the masks they so desperately had were put back on.

''Just stay safe, okay?" he said, feigning the emotion that he actually cared as he wrapped (Y/N) in a hug. She just stood there with slightly wider orbs in the unwanted embrace, slightly resting her head on her father's shoulder.

''I'll see you both in a month,'' he said, kissing the top of Amy's head as he let go of (Y/N). "I expect weekly calls,'' he told them. 

As soon as they were out of the house, (Y/N) ran straight to the car. Amy following behind her. ''Excited, huh?" she asked, only for (Y/N) to nod. You have no idea.

As the car started, Amy glanced over to (Y/N). ''Your father is a little protective, don't you think? It's good to see he cares for you,'' she said, a slightly nervous laugh coming out of her mouth. The bairn smiled. ''Yeah, he's been like since Mama,'' she responded.

Amy rested her hand on (Y/N)'s thigh, patting it reassuringly. ''Trust me, this will be the best summer of your life, kiddo.''

I hope so...

Amy nudged (Y/N) softly who sat in the seat next to her, talking a little louder to wake her up. The girl mumbled something incoherent before her eyes. (E/C) orbs still glazed over with drowsiness, but up nonetheless as the lights blinded her. 

''Where are we?" she groaning, rubbing her eyes as she checked the time on her phone. 4:54 am. Out of the car window, she could make out the white apartment complex.

''Jersey City,'' she said a soft smile on her face. ''Just grab your bag, and we'll get everything else out later,'' Amy told her, turning off the car and getting out of it. 

(Y/N) followed her inside up the stairs. ''We're at the very top,'' the older female told her. Once inside the apartment, her eyes widened.

''You moved to Lousiana when you lived in this nice ass house upstate?" she asked, not minding the way she used her words. At least, it was nice to her. Amy didn't seem to mind, seeing a different side of (Y/N) overlooking her language. 

''I have you the room my flatmate had. It comes with a patio,'' she said, leading her through the decently sized apartment. 

''It seemed like both of us need some rest. Just relax, for now, okay?" Amy said, leaving the teen in the room. Slightly small, but it didn't bother her. Immediately, she went out onto the patio, getting a better view of the illuminated horizon and small summer breeze.

Just as she was about to head inside, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She ignored it but went to check it when curiosity got the better of her. 


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so you're just going to go to fucking new york for vacation and not tell anybody???

i swear on thor, when i find you (y/n), i'm going to suffocate you with katlin bennet videos! on repeat!

ps, thank bucky, fireball 😏


(Y/N) looked at her phone is confused, the sleep in her eyes going away as the realization of it all set in.



see what i did there? 🤭😌


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now