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Chapter 25:



(Y/N) TUGGED AT HER FATHER'S pants leg as she looked over at the ice cream truck. Justin looked down at her daughter, following her line of sight before a small smile appeared on his face.

''What do you need, pois sucré?'' he asked, crouching down to his daughter's height. A bright smile was on his face. 

(sweet pea)

(Y/N) pouted adorably, looking back between her father and the ice cream truck. ''Can I get some ice cream, Papa?" she asked. Justin raised an eyebrow with a small smirk. ''Can you say it in French, darling?"

''Puis-je obtenir de la glace, papa?'' she managed to stutter out but perfected the word after a decent amount of time. The girl jumped up and down excitedly when she was finished. ''Puis-je obtenir de la glace, papa?''

Justin chuckled as he brought his daughter into his arms. (Y/N) tugged at the end of his raven locks as if he was a car and she was a driver, directing him to their destination.

"'Which one do you want, (Y/N)?'' he asked. ''That one she said!'' she shouted, pointing to the vanilla ice cream. ''And let's get one for Mama! Mama loves ice cream!'' she announced. Justin nodded his head to the ebony man in the truck who smiled brightly before going in the back to get the cold deserts. 

''No, whad'ya have here, joues douces?'' a voice said from behind the duo. Both of them turned around to smile at the most important woman in their lives. 

(Y/M/N) (L/N)-King stood there in all of her glory, a cocky, yet a heartfelt smile on her face. ''Did you get my favorite, dearie?" she asked, ruffling (Y/N)'s hair before putting a kiss on her husband's lips.

''Yea, Mama! I asked for ice cream for us in French too!'' the said with glee. ''I'm getting better, see?" she told her mother, reciting the words in one of her native tongues. 

(Y/M/N) smiled at her daughter with pupils blow wide with a kind of love that only a mother could hold, as their whole world and being could be held just in their arms in seconds alone. 

''You're going to be something great one day, princess.''

A girl sat in the middle of a dark room, hands clawing at her throat as she tried to find her a breath to inhale, but not getting any at all. Though she was not physically bound, a weight kept her in place.

Only a thin sheet was covering her. Yet, it was not covering her body. It was the shame that she held that clung to her skin. The guilt, pain, and torture that could bot be seen from the naked eye unless embraced by its own. 

A girl, driven by a nature that was one not asked of, nor wanted, but forced on, stabbing and cutting fresh wounds on old ones that had yet to heal, drawing the crimson liquid that would not disappear after bathed in a shower or bath, or scratched at by a cloth.

Can't you see?

That girl is you.

A girl, stripping off her innocence from a younger as blood dripped from it, recoloring its bright joy. And while the last of her innocence remained and should've been loved, sheltered, instead, it was burned from its beautiful ray and turned to ashes. 

Shadows clawed mercilessly at ruined years. Bright eyes that once shined in the sun were now shattered, turning dull in the dark of the moonlight as it touched its surface. 

And yet, while having a physical voice to let out, words silenced by and mental and physical restraint once again. 

See, for silence is a beautiful, yet pitiful thing. 

For the ill lies released lay it's head against the sun, and the truthed or turned to the side, thrown into the darkness. Or, it's even what we call 


For it is not weak. It speaks louder than words. Only a coward would call someone braced with its torments would call such a person weak. For this word is nothing but a label from someone who couldn't brace it with pride. 

They are only people who have swallowed so much pain, that when they wanted to release when given the chances to release, a new feeling called freedom is so foreign that it would break itself from a bound that is broken when spoke. 


And as dangerous as silence is, it is often easy to spot, yet never acknowledged. But just easy it is to see it, it is just as easy, if not easier, to become the silencer.

Tell me, are you a silencer?

One who is the large, powerful lion who bleeds dominance over the land who pressures a beautiful, young gazelle into a corner and strips away the skin that helps into during the aches and comfort.

There is no in-between. 

Or are you the repressed, stripped from the power that was once granted to you, your right, written in stone by law, yet stepped on constantly, left it the dust. 

Force to carry a child in a womb that was made by the ill intentions of a monster, and then suppressed more when that monster closed the window of a life 

Tell me.



hey! hi! how are you? good, i hope! are you crying? i'm sorry about that, it was not of my intention. i think all of you who are reading this book right now know that it deals with heavy and uncomfortable subjects that are not usually talked about in books, and if they are, they don't go into detail with it. while my book is made for the purpose of humor and contribution to and for the fandom, it also brings awareness to mental illness like anxiety and depression, but as well as real-life situations that happen to people, specifically women. the subjects are heavy, yes, but they shouldn't be overlooked by the sensitivity of it. some of my chapters, such as ones like this, will go more into the topic of rape and child death. i hope that this does not change your viewpoint on the story, and if it does, i'm sorry.


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now