𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘳𝘬

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Chapter 32:
𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘳𝘬

(Y/N) PUT ON HER GREY AND WHITE Converse as she made her way out of her room and into the kitchen where she saw Amy standing with her back towards her, flipping pancakes and putting them on a plate. 

''Hey, kiddo!'' Amy said when she saw (Y/N) who sat at the table, flashing her a smile. ''How'd you sleep?" 

(Y/N) gave a her a small smile in return. ''Uh, pretty good for the most part,'' she said with a nod. The brunet placed a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of her. ''Have you called dad yet?" she asked, a small bit of anxiety washing over her. 

Amy sent the teen a look. ''Did you really think I'm going to call Justin like that? Especially after that annoying stunt he pulled off?'' she questioned, and then laughed. ''He must think I'm crazy.''

If her love for Amy wasn't at large already, it sure was now. This easily made her one of (Y/N)'s respectable women in her life. 

''So do you have any plans on what you're going to do while you're up here?'' Amy asked, taking a seat in front of her. Once again, (Y/N) nodded. ''Find me a job for the month, be a tourist for a while. Y'know,'' she said with a shoulder shrug. 

Amy shook her head. ''Oh come on. Don't you have something better, more exciting to do? I don't even care if you do something illegal at this point.'' (Y/N) thought about it. To be honest, hacking into SHIELD and Hammer Industries is pretty illegal already, isn't it?

''Look around for food.''

This sent the older woman into a laughing frenzy. Not to laugh at (Y/N), no, because she knew her well enough to know that she would actually walk around on the streets to find something to eat. ''You do you, boo.''

''What are you doing to do? Don't you have a job more near Manhattan?" (Y/N) asked, getting a nod from Amy. ''I work around, here and there, you know? The job's demanding,'' she said, not going into detail of where she worked, but not that (Y/N) cared. 

A small hum came from (Y/N) as she turned to get up and wash the dished. As she did so, Amy placed some cash on the table, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

''I might be out for a few days at a time. I'll try to leave some more money for you if you need it,'' she stated. Fuck Tony, I have Amy, (Y/N) thought. ''Oh, and the extra set of keys are near the door!'' she noted.

Throughout it all, (Y/N) was silent. When she made sure her hands were completely dry, she grabbed the cash, flicking through and counting it all to see how much she had. 

$500 in cash. That should do me for the week, right? she thoughts she pocketed the money. Grabbing her backpack and a light sweater, she headed for the door. 

''Just call me if you need anything, kiddo!'' Amy said to her, both exchanging their 'good-byes' before the teen exited the apartment. 

She could get used to this.

The teen had completely underestimated the busyness of New York. The streets were crowded, horns and the sound of cars and trucks alike passing by, and voice buzzed every, seeming to crowd all of her senses. 

And gods, did she love it all. 

It was completely different from her home down in the South. It seemed with every corner she took, the state seemed to keep expanding and time seemed to pass differently there.

What made it even better (if that was possible) was when the sun began to set. It seemed that even more people come out even after the sun decided to venture to the other side of the world. 

Now she understood the meaning, The City That Never Sleeps. It was completely true. The bright neon lights and blaring of the car horns didn't seem to bother most of the people there. 

The teen had already alerted Amy that she would be coming back home late that night after she passed the 9 pm mark. Time passed quickly on the streets of New York. You didn't have to find anything that piqued your exact interest when every step you took, it was there, filled with millions of other things. 

What caught her attention was when one of the lights of one building came on. The street was silent and hardly lit up, with the occasional street lights and light from the bright street lights. It seemed like they were just opening, which wouldn't have caught her eye except for the fact that they were opening at 11 at night. 

Sighing, she made her way into the open building, a bell from overhead ringing to alert the person there that they had a customer. As soon as she did, she was met with the small, soothing breeze of the AC and the smell of freshly baked pastries meeting her nose. It was a smell she just had to keep inhaling. 

''Hello?" she called out. When she did, a small woman popped up from behind the counter. She was probably putting out the fresh sweets (Y/N) that had smelt on the little display in front of her. A soft smile was featuring on the elderly woman's face that would make anyone feel welcome.

''Hello, sweetie,'' she greeted, ''what could I help you out with?" she asked. (Y/N) opened to speak, but her eyes were locked onto one of the large chocolate chip cookies that had up to offer.

 ''You want one?" the woman asked. ''It's on the house seeing that it's your first time here,'' she said. Even though (Y/N) wasn't in there for the food to begin with, she wasn't one to pass up on free food. Though she said it was on the house, she gave her a $20 anyway.

''I, uh, was actually wondering why does this placing open up so late?" she asked, sighing at the taste of the cookie. The warm aura the building offered made it taste better.

The woman, who's name she found out to actually be Katherine, adjusted the glasses that she wore. ''It's an insomniac cafe. You'd be surprised about how many who just can't seem to sleep at night,'' she told her. 

(Y/N)'s eyes brightened at the sound of an insomniac cafe. It would be quieter, and the sound of patrons wouldn't bother her too much. Katherine noticed. ''Why do you ask, dearie?"

The teen looked around the cozy cafe. ''I've been looking around for a job all day. You wouldn't happen to be hiring, would you?" she asked. 

Katherine shook her head, causing (Y/N) to frown. ''No, but that doesn't mean I can't use an extra pair of hands around this place,'' she commented. 

(Y/N) was happy. Scratch that, she was overjoyed. So much that she jumped over the counter to give Katherine a hug to which she didn't decline.

She could totally get used to this.


so, uh, i'm stoked for the next chapters and you guy's reactions. hope you enjoy 😌💙


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now