𝘰𝘩 𝘯𝘰

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Chapter 34:
𝘰𝘩 𝘯𝘰


CLINT HAD DROPPED DOWN FROM THE rather harshly as the other Avengers made their way into the lounge room, groaning slightly as he stood up. 

''How was I was supposed to know the grenade was going to land next to you, anyway?" Tony whined, rubbing at the back of his head where he was previously hit. 

Steve, who clearly had a new bruise and wound forming on his left arm sent a glare to the billionaire. ''That's before you started making boomer jokes all on the ride back,'' he scowled.

Peter, who was just entering the room, shared a look with Shuri who was already seated on the couch. Both of them shared a look before mouthing the words, ''Okay boomer,'' in sync, laughing slightly, but stopping when Steve looked back at them.

They all had come back late that day, whether they went on the mission and then having to debrief or in meetings all day. To say that they were all tired would be the understatement of the century (or in Steve's and Bucky's, the second). 

Clint went over to the kitchen when his legs stopped aching, looking through the large fridge for anything to eat. He groaned in defeat when he found nothing. ''What ever happened to the leftovers from yesterday?" he asked, his head popping out to face the team. 

Bruce looked up immediately at the mention of leftovers, a bashful tint of red sweeping across his face. ''The other guy got hungry,'' he said, ''you all know how he gets.''

Clint nodded, understanding the scientists' appetite. Still, his eyes glared daggers at the team. ''What about 6 pounds of snow crab legs we had?" he posed, the room going silent before Bucky looked up, eyes going on him. 

''What? It was good,'' he protested, crossing his arms like a little kid. 

''Can't brother Steve just make food?" Thor asked a puppy-eyed look on his face as he spoke. The blonde supersoldier shook his head. ''I cooked last week. Someone else's turn,'' he said. Vision raised his hand, ready to stand up.

''I can co-''

''NO!'' everyone shouted, cutting him off. "The biscuits you made her bad, horrible even, yeah, but those burgers you made the other night were fatal,'' Tony said with a shiver, remembering puking his guts out for about an hour or two.

The android rolled his artificial eyes, earning a smack on the back of his head from Harley who sent him a disapproving look. ''I don't want any sass from you, young man. Especially after you killed me.''

Clint faked fainted, landing on Natasha. ''We're going to starve to death,'' he whined, soon wincing after the redheaded assassin pushed him off onto the floor. 

Suddenly, FRIDAY's voice came from overhead in the room ''Your food has arrived,'' she said. Tony raised an eyebrow at his AI. ''Who ordered food?" he asked.

''Miss (Y/N) made it. In her exact words, she stated, ''Those fuckers need to learn to take care of themselves or I'll leave them to die next time,'' the AI answered, the elevator opening with containers of food, the smell of meaty and spicy aroma filling the air. 

''That's it. If one of you don't marry her, I am,'' Sam said, grabbing himself the container with his name on it before heading to the kitchen, the others doing the same following him. 

Thor let out a hearty laugh. ''Did the fair lady say that she wanted to marry me?" he called out. 

Natasha shook her head. ''And have furry babies, don't forget about that. I still don't know if she means actually pets or fur-''

''Please don't,'' Peter cut her off, shivering at just the thought. ''I still have nightmares about Teletubbies. I don't need that in my mind either.''

Natasha let out a low hum, opening her container to find some beef stroganoff, smiling to herself softly. The room went silent as they ate the food made for them, the occasional word or two being spoken.

They would have to thank (Y/N) later.

''Just call me when you get in, okay?'' Amy said to (Y/N) over the phone. ''You almost scared me to death with what you did yesterday.''

(Y/N) laughed, nodding even though the woman on the other end couldn't see her. ''Yeah, and you almost hit me when you threw that kitchen pan,'' she remarked, raising an eyebrow as she licked some frosting off of her finger. ''Very skillfully, might I add.''

Amy chuckled, thought it sounded a bit distant. ''Whatever you say, kiddo. Be safe around there, you hear me?" she told (Y/N) who rolled her eyes. ''Whatever you say, mom. See you soon,'' the teen said before hanging up. 

''Dearie? Did you finish your pecan cake?" Katherine asked from the front, tending to the customers at the counter who wanted a slice. 

''Almost done!'' (Y/N) yelled back, adding the last bit of vanilla frosting on the cake before picking it up and placing it on the display glass. Katherine smiled at her warmly as she gathered the slices.

''You're doing well for your first week,'' the old woman praised, the customers she was serving (Y/N) saw as nightly regulars nodding at her words. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face. ''I get to make food at 1 in the morning and get paid for it. It can't get better than that,'' she said in return.

''Go check on Daisy and see if she's done with those sugar powers donuts, hm? We're running out,'' Katherine told her before tending to the next customer. 

(Y/N) did as she was told, waltzing her way into the back kitchen, looking for the blonde in the process. 

''How are things coming along?" she said as she walked in, tightening the small apron that was wrapping around her waist before clasping her hands together. ''Do you need any help?" she asked.

Daisy shook her head, a natural tiny pink tint on her face as she did so. ''You're fine. I got everything covered back here, but can you bring this batch to the front?" she asked, handing (Y/N) the tray of sweets. ''Thanks.''

(Y/N) smiled, not minding the slight demand and back-and-forth of things that came with the job. It was calm, including the light chatter of the customers in the cafe. They were kinder than most people she knew back at home, anyway. 

She adjusted the sleeves on her semi-formal, tomboyish shirt, thankful for the fact that they didn't have to wear uniform, but she still wanted to remain stylish. Holding the donuts in one hand, she used the other to place them under the glass container. 

The bell of the small cafe rang out, signaling another customer had came in. (Y/N) paid it no mind as she hummed softly to herself.

''Again with this place, brother?'' a loud voice said, causing people, including the teen, to wince at their volume. 

''Be quiet, you loud oaf!'' a quiet, more sophisticated voice said to the other. 

The chatter in the room slowly began to die out, only now reduced to whispers. (Y/N) stopped when all the donuts were placed, eyeing the black-belted leather loafers.

Getting up off of her knees, she went over at the counter to see if Ms. K would serve them only to see that she wasn't there. Sighing, she went over to do it herself. 

''Hello! Welcome to The Hideout. How can I-'' (Y/N) cut herself off as she looked back at the pale-skinned man in front of her. 

''L-Loki?" she stuttered out in shock. This is exactly what she didn't want to happen. A grin appeared on the green-eyed god's face.

''Well, aren't you a new one, pet?''


see what i did there? are you excited? i hope so 😌

btw, do you guys like the new cover or the old one? i was lazy with it. anyways, hope you enjoyed, lovelies 💙


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now