𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦

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Chapter 67:
𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦


GROWING UP THE WAY THAT (Y/N) DID, she was really only close to a selective few. That really consisted of her parents, but after her mother's death and everything hit the fan it was just Ethan, Jessie, and his family.

She was labeled mainly as an introvert for the way she was around town, and (Y/N) didn't really mind it at all. She didn't like getting out of her comfort zone many people, so when she when to that party earlier that year, that was hard for her by itself.

But now, it seemed different. Yes, four of them seemed to act like hyperactive puppies (something she found adorable but wouldn't admit to anyone), but getting pushed out of her comfort zone a bit with them didn't seem like a bad thing.

They didn't send any bad vibes her way, which made her relax even further when around them. They only seemed to take a bit advantage of that, Loki and Wanda leaning against her like a boy pillow while she played with Lucky, Clint's light brown Labrador retriever.

''Pay attention to us,'' Harley whined, trying to get the girl's attention from across the couch she was on. ''I'm cuter than Lucky by a longshot, right?" he pouted, attempting to give her puppy dog eyes.

(Y/n) sent him a look, a small grin on her face before she shook her head at him. ''Lucky's cuter,'' she told him, continuing to play with the golden canine who was basically drinking up all the attention he was getting from her.

''Bucky rolled his eyes. ''No way! You're surrounded by the Avengers and you think Lucky is the most gorgeous thing in the room?'' he questioned, saying it in a way as if he didn't believe what was coming out of her mouth.

(Y/N) finally looked up from Lucky, realizing all the eyes that were on her, waiting for some sort of answer. She hummed, nodding her head.

''Pretty faces don't mean pretty hearts, if you know what I'm saying,'' she explained shortly, ''dogs seem to love most people no matter what. And they can't help the way that they're trained. Just slaves to humanity,'' she said, a small frown appearing on her face.

The way she physically deflated as the words left her mouth made do the same, more so being fueled with anger with how she seemed to speak from experience. They knew from her file that she hadn't had a picture-perfect life, but held way too much pain with how she was now.

But that anger seemed to slowly go away when a large smile was on her face caused by the dog again, whatever negative feelings she had before being whipped away for a while.

Steve walked in, running his ringers through his har. Soon eyes landing on (Y/N), cooing to the dog who sat in front of her with his tail hitting the room continuously, along with the two Avengers who were basically cuddling her at this point.

''She gets him to behave more than Clint,'' he said, watching the archer begrudgingly agreeing with that statement. She'd been there for at least an hour and Lucky already seemed to make (Y/N) his owner.

Sam shrugged his shoulders. ''A dog sees a pretty girl and he wants to listen. Don't we all?" he mumbled, shaking his head.

There was a similar look on all of their faces as they looked at her, (Y/N) oblivious to it all. They held different meaning n the gazes, of course, but it was impossible to just not look at her in awe.

Could they give you a specific reason why? Probably. Especially when those large (E/C) eyes were looking up at them with a blinding smile on her face.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now