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Chapter 63:



THERE WAS A BLANK EXPRESSION on (Y/N)'s face as she sat in the middle of the bed. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see her ripped shirt and other clothes that she'd worn to school that day on the floor. 

At this point, she didn't know what she should be feeling. There were still tear stains on her face and her hands were shaking, but she didn't feel anything. It was times like this were everything important seemed to fade away and she was just there. 

Basically numb to everything around her. As if her very being was just a shell, but if you even managed to get a look inside, there wouldn't be much. Just a small terrified girl. Nothing more because that's just all it is.

A shell.

The sounds of a belt brought her back to her dull and exhausting reality, hands holding the sheets over her upper body to hold on to the very little self-dignity she had left, though, she didn't even know if it matters at this point. There was only two ways this could go. 

He would ask for more, or he would let her be for the night, only to ask for more later. An endless cycle, if you will. 

Even from where he stood, she could smell the alcohol that still clung to skin, along with sweat. Either sober or not drunk at all, it didn't matter. He wouldn't be satisfied. 

''Amy's coming over and spending the night. Get your clothes out of here and go clean up,'' he said, walking over to the bed.

Out of instinct, she backed away on the mattress slowly. A mistake when she saw the scowl on Justin's face. "'Come here,'' he ordered, referring with his hands to the edge of the bed.

The blank look on (Y/N)'s face turned into a more fearful one as she hesitantly made her way over. A shiver of disgust ran through her body as he used his hand to tilt her face up by her chin. Emotionless brown eyes stared back into her, making her want to be anywhere but here.

''Such a good girl,'' he cooed in a sickenly sweet tone to her, a smile playing on his lips as he looked down at his bruised daughter.

''Now leave,'' he said, the fake, caring look on his face and in his eyes turning into a sharp glare. ''I hope you learned your lesson,'' he teased as (Y/N) scurried to grab her clothes and leave the room that smelt like sex, tears, and alcohol.

Disgustingly sweet.

''Hey, kiddo!'' Amy greeted (Y/N) as the teen opened the door. It was easy for her to fake one in response to hers as the tanned woman brought her into one of her bear hugs.

''I still can't believe how clean this house always is,'' Amy praised as she walked in. (Y/N) hummed as she closed the door behind her. Only she knew that it wasn't always like this, but who was she to tell Amy that?

They were supposed to be living the perfect life behind the white-picket-fence, after all.

 ''Only two of us live here,'' Justin said to his girlfriend as he came down the stairs, still in the midst of buttoning up his shirt. "And maybe you too, one day,'' he noted as he brought the woman into a hug.

The both of them knew that would never happen. Justin would never allow her to live with them as long as (Y/N) was alive, but he still wanted Amy to think that.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now