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Chapter 66:


(Y/N) HADN'T SEEN THE TOWER UP THIS close up before, often trying to avoid the place. So for the most part, she'd only seen it in pictures and on the news, but now seeing it in person made it so much better.

''Woah..'' she said from under her breath, rolling down the window so she could stick her head out to see the top of it. Happy smiled at her a bit before telling her once more about the safety protocol, the girl then rolling it back up. 

''And are you sure that I get to go inside of this place? Is it really as high tech as everyone says it is?" she ranted out of excitement, her inner nerd making an appearance in her usual calm and collected exterior.

Happy smiled a bit more, nodding but not speaking as she continued to stare at the tower, the vehicle soon coming to a stop in front of it.

(Y/N) laughed softly, remembering the former name of the building. Stark Tower. Of course its creator had to have such an ego at the time (and still) to name a 93-story building after him. Only now, the tower's name was changed to the Avengers Tower out of spite of what happened in New York in 2012.

As it would seem, Happy hopped out fo the limo to open the door for her, closing it as he led her inside of the tower. No surprise, eyes turned at the familiar bodyguard and the girl from all over to news.

''Is it still okay that I'm here?" she asked with a small smile. ''I'm assuming they didn't get permission from Fury at all,'' she noted. It was just something she knew they wouldn't really want to go over with or ask Mr. Eyepatch.

As predicted, he shook his head. ''They really act like immature teens sometimes. Especially more than ever since you came into the picture,'' Happy sighed. ''Thanks for making my job harder.''

(Y/N) snorted. ''You watch after Stark. basically a man-baby himself. When was your job every easy?'' she teased, nudging him in the side playfully as they continued to walk through the building.

For the most part, she was quiet, looking around the (really glass and see-through) interior of the large building, looking at it all like a child in Disneyland for the first time or in a candy store.

Happy talked through a walkie talkie, mumbling a few things as he nodded along to someone's words. Another hand scrolling through a Stark-provided phone.

''Yeah, I have her right here.. No, we just got here a while ago.. Yeah, we can wait,'' she heard as she looked over back at him, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow, asking a silent question.

''They're in a conference meeting,'' he summarized for her, getting an extended ah from (Y/N) as she diverted her attention elsewhere, it switching between looking around and on her phone. 

After Happy said it would take them a short while for them to show up, she grinned to have a little more time to herself in a somewhat quiet place before it seemed like literal children would fight for her attention. Not including Steve, Wanda, or Bruce, though. They were humble souls.

''Conference meeting, though? For what?" she asked, spotting a large table full of fruits. She was happy to see the Granny Smith apples with a caramel fountain on the side.

''Control and answer press. Put some rumors and other things to rest,'' he told her. No doubt they'll be having another one when they get wind of her if they haven't already, but that is unlikely. 

(Y/N) nodded her head in agreement with that. No matter how it would look (though give or take they did have their sus moments in public), the media would twist up the meaning of things whether it be a photo or video. 'Will you be okay,'' he questioned.

It would make her look bad and exploited when she returned back home (if she ever did). Who knows what would happen when she got back? She'd never run from Justin before no matter how many times she thought about it, or stab someone in the eye before.

But even ignoring that fact for now though it was eating at her day and night, she sends a meaningless smile his way, though she wasn't sure if he could see through it or not.

''Yeah, I'll be—''


Oh no..

(Y/N) and Happy managed to sigh at the same time, the teen accepting hr fact as she heard her 'name' echo throughout the building, rushed footsteps coming in her direction. She stepped a few feet away from the food stand so it wouldn't get touched in her upcoming assault. 

She flinched back a bit when she saw a wild Harley running at her at full speed, soon tackling her into a hug, picking her off the ground.

(Y/N) could hear the laughter coming from behind her, but was too busy focusing on the brunet who was squeezing the life out of her. He wasn't an Avenger, but damn, it seemed like it was.

When he plopped her back down on the ground, his eyes were as wide as saucers with literal stars shining in them with a grin on his face.

''Woah. You're literally a goddess. Loki wasn't lying..'' he said in disbelief, eyes raking up and down her figure numerous times. ''Can you slap me to—''

(Y/N) didn't hesitate to do so even when she didn't hear the end of what he was going to say, leaving a red hand mark on his cheek when the hand was removed. 

''Oh shit. So you're actually here and I didn't take those pot brownies. That's a relief.''

The girl opened her mouth, a worried and confused expression of her face, but nothing came out of it as she was pulled into an even tighter hug, two bodies pressed up against her small one.

''Hey Sam, Bucky,'' she greeted when she recognized them, looking over their shoulders to see the rest of the team there, a few smirks on some of their face. Help me? she mouthed to them, pouting a bit when they declined her.

''Put me down, you oversized losers,'' she whined, trying to wiggle out of their hands. ''You reek,'' she told them, slapping their hands.

Wanda came forward, separating and getting the two off of her, getting disappointed groans from the both of them when the brunette did so.

The time, (Y/N) moved forward on her own, giving the Maximoff a hug, forgetting the media around them for a second. Whines came from the three who basically tackled her into an embrace. ''How come Wanda actually gets hug back?" Sam whined.

Both of them stuck their tongues out at them, smiles on their face. ''Because she actually likes me,'' Wanda teased, smirking at the sharp and playful glares they sent to her. 

The four of them went back in forth, attention coming off of (Y/N) for while which gave her the chance to slip out of Wanda's arms, moving over to give Bruce and Steve hugs, calm just as she thought.

''I shouldn't have gotten a hug, don't you think, tesoro?''

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, but a smile was on her face still as she glanced over at Tony, fiding him staring back at her with a smirk on his face.

Even after the snap that destroyed that alien grape and his army, he still looked good, for his age, too. The scars left behind by three-degree burns decorated half of his face, and probably the left side of his body. While he wore his signature sunglasses, the smirk turned into a cheeky grin. 

On the other hand, the billionaire was freaking out on the inside, but on the outside, he stood his with hands in his pockets, displaying a nonchalantly and overconfident side of himself as (Y/N) approached him. 

''You're just an attention whore,'' she said to him, but pulled Tony into a warm embrace anyway, burying her face into his shoulder. ''And I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean brat, hm?"

Tony laughed too, finally taking his hands out of his pocket and moving to accept and return her hug, then ruffling her hair much to her protest.

''No, it doesn't.''


the next chapter will be fluffier than this, i promise


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now