𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳

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Chapter 22:
𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳



ETHAN LOOKED OVER (Y/N)'S SHOULDER, looking at the conversation she was having with someone with an eyebrow raised before leaning back to where he was standing behind her. 

''Who's Tony?" he asked out of blue. (Y/N) jumped out of surprise, instinctively bringing her phone to her chest. When Ethan's presence registered in her head, she sighed.

''Just a friend,'' she told him, putting her cell phone away. She didn't know why, but the idea of telling Ethan about her and the Avengers was a conversation she wasn't looking forward to having. At the moment, anyway. She would keep it a secret for a while.

Ethan looked at (Y/N) warily. She wasn't one to make friends like that, and even if she did, she often ignored them until she saw them in person again. (Y/N) giving her number to anybody? That was a new concept for her. Nonetheless, he didn't press the subject as he followed (Y/N) down the hall to her locker. 

''So, what do you plan on doing over the break?" he asked. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed some books from the grey lockers. 

Trying to avoid staying home for as long as possible, she thought. (Y/N) turned back to Ethan with a small smile on her face. "Hang out with you, I guess?'' 

Her smile turned into a frown as a new thought echoed around in her head. "Unless you're busy?"

It wouldn't be a surprise to (Y/N), but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less. Ethan was more of a social butterfly than her, but he hands his moments when he would submerge into her introverted bubble. She brought her books to her chest as she waited on Ethan for his answer. 

Instead, the brunet draped one of his arms over her shoulder. ''Well, I heard Jake Commons was throwing a party on Friday to start off the break,'' Ethan spoke warily. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. 

''So?" he asked, excited for her answer.

''No,'' (Y/N) said for the tenth time that day, biting into the turkey sandwich she bought from on the way to school from Subway. Currently, they were outside eating lunch where other students were laundering on the front of the campus grounds. 

''Oh come on, Sugar. When was the last time you've actually been to a party?" Ethan asked, stuffing a few pineapple slices into his mouth. ''Even I can't remember and I've been with you forever.''

(Y/N) had to look back on that question, for it followed with more that led up to the final answer. With most things in her life, she had to stage everything, even play it out in the mirror to see how it would go for anything she wanted in life. This year's been harder for her along the way of that false route. 

When was the last time have you really felt alive? should've been that question. Sure, she would burst out into laughter here and there, but that happiness could only last but so long before she fell back into her black hole. 

''Before Mama died, I guess,'' she mumbled, putting her hands into her lap, but Ethan heard her.

Everyone in the close-knitted town her about the unfortunate death of (Y/M/N) (L/N)-King's. If you were new to the town or not. Even though it happened 10 years ago, the fatal crash still scared an eight-year-old (Y/N) and her father. 

And from the outside of things, it looked like they were handling it well. Justin became a policeman ''in honor'' of his late wife while their daughter excelled in academics, not that she wasn't wickedly intelligent before that. 

Ethan sighed before pulling the teen into a hug. ''I know it's been hard for you, Sugar, but to need to get out of your comfort zone. You could benefit from it,'' he told her. 

(Y/N) sighed. Ethan had no idea about the abuse she went through, and despite everything she was going through, she was going to keep it that way. Even if she had to sacrifice a few things to stop him from being suspicious. 

''I guess a little push wouldn't hurt, right?" 


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now