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Chapter 59:


A KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR OF THE house had made Natasha look up from her phone, the redhead already being awake before the noise even began. 

Her eyes moved over to (Y/N) who mumbled something quietly in her sleep. Her (H/C) hair was sprawled out over Natasha and her pillow as her eyes opened slowly, but she wasn't fully there as her eyes were still dazed over with sleep. 

''I'll get it. Go back to sleep, kitten,'' she cooed softly as she slipped out of the bed. ''I'll be right back,'' she assured.

It seemed to work as she hummed, burying her face in the pillow before dozing back off. Surprisingly, it let a smile on the assassin's face before she left the room, internally awwing at her before she approached and opened the door. 

A small huff escaped her as she looked at the god whole stood in the doorway, easily towering over her with his 6'2'' stature. It made her roll her eyes.

''What are you even doing here?" she asked Loki as she looked outside for a quick second before closing the door. ''And did you even find out where I was?''

It was a small, but cozy home that she had. Of course, she didn't always want to be around the tower, so she had this place built by Tony after bribing him with a bottle of alcohol. She didn't go often, though. Only when she needed an escape, or like now, other reasons.

The raven-haired god basically made himself at home as he took a seat on the couch in the living room. ''SHIELD files and Barton,'' he said plainly as he eyed Natasha up and down. ''You and your place reek of sex,'' he added. 

The assassin had a smirk on her face, no remorse as she showed off her figure, hickies littered all over it. Who needed a shirt anyway? ''It would seem that way,'' she teased knowingly as she moved towards the kitchen. 

She didn't get far as Loki pinned her against a wall, one hand pinning her hands above her head. Of course, it gave Natasha all but a flashback from 11 years ago, but didn't show it on her face. 

But his eyes were different than what they were previously. On the edge of anger, but possessiveness sinking into the emerald green eyes. Still, she wasn't sure if that anger or lust that made his pupils dilate more than ever. 

''You smell like (Y/N),'' he hissed, The venom laced in his words would have actually scared her if she hadn't gone through worse mentally and physically. How in the world he could smell (Y/N) baffled her, but at this point, it wouldn't be the most surprising thing in the world after all that's happened. 

''If you're mad that I had sex with her, I guess you're absolutely furious knowing that I know what she tastes like,'' Natasha sneered, pushing the god away as she went to grab a coffee cup from the cabinets. ''Does that hurt your ego?" she pouted in a way to furthermore tease the already frustrated god.


''Fuck off.''

''Rude,'' the woman said as she added sugar, cream, and a bit of vodka to her much needed caffeine. ''You come to my house and basically assault me. What's your problem?" she mumbled under her breath, looking over to the bedroom subconsciously, relieved to still hear (Y/N)'s light snoring. 

''So why do you care so much? She's clearly more than a friend to you,'' she said as she brought her cup to her lips.

''She's my soulmate.''

That stilled Natasha right then and there, only a few seconds later took look over at him. The look on the god's face as she did was solemn as he stared back at her. 

''You too, huh?" he heard her mumble under her breath as she took a sip of her coffee, the vodka giving her a kick to unfortunately start the day.

''You don't think—''

'I do.''

''YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY?" Dasiy screamed, causing (Y/N) to rush forward and cover her mouth with her hand. ''No! And why the hell are you so loud?" the latter of the two hissed. 

She swore someone yelled, ''Congratulations!'' from the front.

''No wonder you wore a turtleneck to work today!'' Daisy exclaimed. ''How come you're not limping or anything?" she questioned, confusion clearly written on her face.

''I've built up a tolerance for pain. Don't worry about it,'' she said as she carried a strawberry shortcake out of the front, flashing a few smiles to some of the customers in the cafe. Like a puppy, Daisy followed behind her. 

''Are you a bottom? No, from the way you're talking, you totally topped,'' the blonde rambled on, listing other obscene things that (Y/N) was sure to make the customers blush as they overheard her.

She wasn't wrong about the dil

''Dill Pickles!'' (Y/N) announced, snapping out of her thoughts as the bell above the door to the cafe wnt off, a seemingly sulking Loki following behind a smiling Natasha. ''Hey, Kitten!'' she greeted, the pout on Loki's face getting more defined as she said so. 

(Y/n) said her own greeting back as Daisy gaped at her. ''I knew it! I fucking knew it!'' she whisper-screeched. ''You're dating the team!''

Loki and Natasha sent her sideglances at her while (Y/N) went to the glass container under the counter and handed Natasha a box with a yellowish-brown cake inside of it that you could see through from the plastic center.

''It's a honey cake. I can send a bigger one to the tower if you'd like,'' she suggested, seeing how there were small stars in the assassin's eyes at the Russian dessert. 

''Pozhaluysta, vykhodi za menya,'' she mumbled, getting a shove in the side from Loki before he looked back up at (Y/N). "Don't I get anything?" he asked like a child.

(Please marry me.)

(Y/N) stuck her tongue out at him. ''Hold on you big baby,'' she teased as she reached out for a red velvet cake in a green box, handing it over to the impatient god. 

"I could've poisoned it,'' she added when the god of mischief already unboxing the velvet treat. ''But you didn't,'' he said with a smirk. 

Stupid hot god.

''We need to go,'' Natasha said, leaning over the counter to place a kiss on the girl's cheek. ''We'll be back later, kitten.''

Loki ruffled her hair before placing a kiss on her forehead. ''See you later, love,'' he mumbled lowly enough for (Y/N) to hear. 

Daisy had a sly smirk on her face the whole time, slightly hopping up and down on the balls of her feet like a hyperactive bunny. 

''So... threesome?"

''I wish.''

''Holy shit. I think Loki just winked at you.''


photos of tom and scartlett together are just so cute and i just can't—


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