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Chapter 53:


SOMETIMES LIFE JUST DECIDED TO SAY fuck you, but instead of saying it to (Y/N), it was being thrown right at her face.

The teen spat out the earl grey tea she was drinking which made Dasiy turn to her and look at her like she'd just grown another head. ''Are you... okay?'' she asked, stopping midway from wiping down a table. 

"Like mentally or physically?'' she asked, ''because neither,'' she said as she slid down behind the counter. ''Please don't let them inside.''

Daisy look confused, but a small gasp came from her, and footsteps going towards the front doors of the building were heard.

''Hey, (Y/N), look! Your boyfriend is here!''

''Loki is not my boyfriend! And I'm too lonely to even have a boyfriend!'' she said back to her in return, rolling her eyes even though no one could see her.

''Actually, it was my oaf of a brother who said it, but it's good to know you're only reserved for me, darling.''

A pathetic groan left her throat as she looked up, the ebony-haired god of mischief looked down out at her with a smirk on his face. ''Surprise,'' he said with a wink.

''Go away,'' she whined, swatting his face away. ''I'm working, and you're a distraction,'' she said, making Daisy and Loki roll their eyes. ''Please, all you do is read fanfictions,'' she aspirated.

''And bully the Avengers,'' (Y/N) added as she stood up, brushing off imaginary dust. ''I have a life.'' Sort of. 

''Lady (Y/N)!'' Thor said loudly, reaching over the counter to pick the small girl up and bring her into a hug. ''I can't believe you lied to us,'' he said, giving her a puppy-eyed look that made her eternally aww. 

''I'm impressed.''

''Sorry,'' she said to him, patting his head which made him smile slightly. ''I'll.. try not to do it again,'' she said, Loki scrunching up his nose.

Daisy pouted. ''How come you get all the hot guys, huh? First Loki, then Spiderman, and now Thor? Who are you gonna have next? The whole team?"

The (Y/N) life be like

Shut up, Blue.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. ''First of all, no. And second of all, how do you even know Pe-Spiderman's hot?'' she asked, patting Thor's shoulder which made him put her back down on the ground.

Daisy shrugged her shoulders. ''He's a superhero. He has to be hot or cute, no questions asked,'' she said. ''And it's nice to have a boyfriend or two or... three before you go back home, don't you think?''

Both Thor and Loki managed to frown at the blonde's words in sync. ''What does she mean? Do you not live in New York, Lady (Y/N)?" the more buffed Asgardian asked.

(Y/N) rubbed at her arm out of habit, something the both of them were now picking up. ''I live down south, remember? I'm just here for the first month of summer,'' she told them.

She hadn't even been thinking about going back home down south until Daisy had brought it up. Maybe she could ask Amy to prolong their stay, but she didn't trust going back home, especially when she'd be home alone. 

Both brothers felt the change in the atmosphere around them at the mention of her home. The two shared a look, nodding at each other as the plan was set. 

''Lady (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Loki asked as Thor went to grab (Y/N)'s bag and a light sweater. The girl nodded. ''I'm fine, Loki.''

He sneezed loudly. 

The latter hummed, glancing over at Amy who smiled at her with a knowing glint in her eyes. ''What?" the (H/C)-haired girl asked.

''Your boyfriends want to take you somewhere. Don't worry, I can cover your shift,'' she assured, pushing the three of them out of the cafe. 

''They're not my boyfriends!'' (Y/N) exclaimed, blushing (or whatever some of my melanin babes do when they're flustered because we can't blush for shit) furiously as she walked alongside the two brothers. The blonde smirked.

''Not yet.''


tell me, is lady (y/n) an honest person when under the influence?

for the most part, it would seem so. mainly when's she high as well

or really fucked up. not to mention bipolar

but i'm pretty sure the kitten isn't a lightweight

the important question is why are you asking?


Loki glanced over at Thor and (Y/N) who were now sitting down on the couch back at Amy's apartment, the latter reaching for the Asgardian ale out of curiosity as his oaf of a brother offered over to her. Why he always carried it was beyond him. 

The alcohol only seemed to knock out the two supersoldiers after two full glasses since they were numb to Midguardian liquor.

Stark, who had a high tolerance for it (since coffee and cocktails were basically mixed in with his bloodstream) couldn't handle it after only a shot and a half. What would it take for a regular human? (Y/N) in particular?


no reason

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