𝘢 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵

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Chapter 57:
𝘢 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵


(Y/N) HUMMED TO HERSELF AS SHE walked down the hall, noting how there were slightly more people active in the lobby and in the halls of her apartment floor.

''Oh, hey (Y/N)!'' Jasmine, who lived across the hall from Amy and herself said, shooting her a smile, though a light blush decorated her face.

''Oh, hey,'' (Y/N) greeted with a small nod as she took her keys out of her bag. ''How are you doing today, Jasmine?" she asked with a slight head tilt.

I had to, I'm sorry.

No, I'm really not.

The red tint on Jasmine's face seemed to darken at her question. (Y/N) didn't want to be rude or anything, but her face began to remind her of a bright red balloon. She had to hide her laughter with a forced smile as she walked closer to the apartment door. 

''I'm good! But uh, can you get a picture of them please while you're there? Or rather while they're still there?'' Jasmine asked. (Y/N) looked at her in confusion, but was too tired and couldn't give a fuck so she didn't question it any further. 

''Uh, sure? I guess?" she said hesitantly, now opening the door to the apartment, closing it behind her as she shook her head. Some people were just different, and she just wanted to get this day over with so she could end up going to sleep at 3 in the morning, because who honestly as a normal sleep schedule anymore? 

''Hey Amy, I'm home!'' she greeted as she walked in and went over to the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets. Hey, kiddo. Where've you been?" Amy asked in return. 

''Uh, just... walking around, you know?" she lied instinctively. It wasn't that she didn't trust Amy, it was just that she didn't want to say she was hanging over at Peter Parker, aka Spiderman's house with his super cute aunt. 

The girl turned around with a cookie she had baked a few days back in her mouth. ''Hey, did you see that crazy expensive car outside? Had to be a Stingray or something...'' she trailed off as she looked onto the couch, seeing two additional and familiar faces.

''Oh, hey (Y/N),'' Natasha greeted like it was nothing, but a small smile on her face with Clint and Amy by her side. ''How are you?''

Oh damn.

She was even hotter in person.

''I'm, uh, good? What are you — what are you doing here?" she asked as she crossed her arms over her chest, swallowing the last of the chocolate chip cookie quickly in hopes of not choking on it. 

''Nothing at all, kid. We just wanted to have a talk with Ms. Colt here,'' she said, sharing a look with the woman, ''but since you're here, we can have one, too.''

''Just about five minutes with her if that's okay?" Natasha asked, already standing up. Amy nodded her head. 


As soon as Clint and Natasha entered her room and closed to door behind them, (Y/N) kicked the archer in the shin just as she did with Loki, much to his discomfort as he groaned in pain.

''What the — why?" he groaned and (Y/N) frowned down at him. ''I'm not a kid, old man. I'm literally going to turn 19, which is technically like 20 something in Korea,'' she said, looking back at the international ages of K-pop groups before glaring at him. ''So, why are you guys here?" she asked. 

Natasha raised an eyebrow as she looked at the (H/C)-haired girl, the small smile still on her face. ''We really want to know why you're here, (Y/N). You live with Amy now?"

She shook her head. ''No. She's my dad's girlfriend and she invited me to stay here for a month. Nothing more than that,'' she said. The two still managed to catch her slight mood change, by decided not to comment on it (for now).

''So she didn't kidnap you or threaten you to be here?'' Clint asked bluntly, getting a jab in the side from the redhead and a scowl from (Y/N). ''Of course not, you idiot,'' she remarked, tempted to throw a sandal at his head.

They were still wary out of instinct but seemed to lighten up at her words. The archer's eyes seemed to brighten a bit more and Natasha's small grin turned into a full smile. 

They're so hot, like holy damn (Y/N), you're so lucky.

''So... what now?" the younger of the trio in her room asked, out of habit now tugging on the ends of her sweatshirt. 

There was silence before a mischievous glint appeared in Natasha's eyes before a smile turned into a smirk, walking towards (Y/N) until she had her against the wall.

''So, what about that thigh kink you had?"

''Oh, yes. Please.''

''Hey, can I join?''



need i ever say more?

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need i ever say more?


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now