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Chapter 74:


THEY HAD TAKEN THEIR ANGER FOR what happened, to what Justin done out on him, beating and breaking him down physically, but when it came to mentally... Loki and Wanda didn't know if they had an answer to that one for you.

Natasha took the cloth Loki had offered to her, nodding in thanks towards the black-haired Asgardian. A tiny hum left him as his eyes stayed on her for a bit before putting his hair back into a ponytail.

He then glanced over towards the bastard himself, seemingly unconscious, but when then, his chest continued to rise and fall harshly even in the unconscious state. Loki couldn't exactly blame him. Having the be healed over and over again, phantom pain is sure to linger, and sure is exhausting. But did he feel guilty? Not one bit.

''What are we going to do with them?" Bucky asked facing Steve. Wanda's face seemed to morph into one of disgust. ''Please don't tell me I have to use my powers to move that ublyudok,'' she muttered, arms crossed over her chest.

Steve glanced over to Tony who was walking into the room, Peter and Harley following behind him, both wearing smug looks on their faces.

"We're handing him over to SHIELD. Fury wants him, the redhead too,'' the super-soldier, to which the billionaire raised an eyebrow. ''Eyepatch? Really? What could he want with them?" he asked.

Steve sighed, but a small smile appeared on his face. ''It seems even the director of SHIELD had taken a liking to Y/N,'' he answered, shaking his head.

Natasha pursed her lips, looking down at her bloody and bruised hands as she bandaged them. Thoughts more intrusive than other running through her mind. ''Kitten seems to attract both good and bad, huh?" she muttered, though most of the room heard and agreed.

Sam glanced over to one of the few, small windows in the building. ''The storm seems to be letting up,'' he announced, the screaming of the thunderstorm reduced to almost nothing but rain. ''Think Thor did the same?" he asked the other god in the room.

Loki stilled for a second before shrugging his shoulders. "I usually know everything about my brother, but now, I'm not sure,'' he sighed. ''He's changed over the years, and sometimes I don't even recognize him. He could simply be putting on a front while he does on a drunken rampage,'' he stated with a slightly raised brow.

Tony sighed, a hand covering his mouth as he glanced over at Justin for a second. Eyes seemed to narrow almost instantly upon laying his eyes on him, the same thing he did to Rami.

"Can we go back to the tower now?' Harley whined, body slouched against Peter. ''Who knew this would be so tiring."

It was something the team had agreed on a while ago, and it was that they didn't mind sharing a soulmate, or Y/N, now that they'd figured it out. It wouldn't be a battle of who she'd fall for (more), because in the end, it was her choice.

Though, that didn't stop them for being jealous at times. From stares in the restaurant, the waiter way too close for comfort as he took her order. Not only that, but just Rami's hand on her thigh, or just touching her, made them want to hiss at the boy.

Or protectiveness. At least, that's what they'd say to you if Y/N or anyone else were to ask. It's not like they would say that out loud. And now, they have every right to be that way around her.

But maybe because the words my boyfriend and a boy none of them recognized getting their faced into Y/N's chest, it set something else off.

''Boyfriend?!'' Harley and Peter announced loudly in unison, eyes the widest in the room so far as they stared at the duo, well, really Ethan, the want to murder a boy building up more than ever, b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now