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"IT HURTS!" CARLOS WHINED AS MS. SINGER tried to tame the brown beast on his head that was his hair. ''This is useless!'' he pouted.

Ms. Singer clicked her tongue, slapping the boy gently on the back of his head. ''That's no way to act when you're finally getting yourself out of here, huh? You want to look good in front of the heroes, don't you?" she asked.

The boy smiled, but shook his head in the process. ''The heroes are cool, but Ms. Y/N is way cooler!'' he said loudly as if he was announcing it to the world. Ms. Singer smiled gently at the boy as she finished doing what she could to his hair before standing up, taking his hand in hers as they walked down the hall.

''—and she's super smart! She teaches me things even my teacher doesn't teach me yet! Like—like... a libra?" he said hesitantly, shaking his head as he searched for the correct word to use.

''Algebra?" the woman correct, and the boy's face lit up, even more if it was physically possible. ''Yes! Aljaybruh!'' he babbled.

As the boy continued on his rant about how amazing Y/N was, and how she was better than all the other people who tried to take him home — that of which Ms. Singer took a playful jabs at and watched as the boy rushed to her defense — so did their decent down the brown oak hallways, soon arriving in the main lobby.

Others kids were there, making the lobby as loud and rowdy as it was 30 minutes past noon when most of the infants and toddlers were awakening as the older kids dressed and fed them.

It was going to be an eventful day, as usual. Y/N was coming over, as well as her band of heroes — who now, as Ms. Singer took a closer look at, seemed like bodyguards surrounding her — and the kids simply enjoyed their presence.

''You sure you're not excited to see the heroes? What about Iron Man, or Captain America?" she asked, releasing Carlos' hand from her grasp. He shook his head.

"He might be a ladies man. These old geezers aren't the only heroes around,'' a voice spoke up, making Carlos gasp loudly as he took off, smothered squeals coming from him as he practically tackled Y/N's legs.

Soft laughter came from the H/C-haired female as she crouched down, ruffling the boy's hair, and Ms. Singer would be angry if she would've been able to tame it in the first place.

''You missed me that much, kiddo? I was just here last week,'' she said, though a fond smile was still played on her lips as there was a look shared between them. Carlos nodded his head rapidly, though at this rate, it looked like the child was head-banging to some offbeat song.

Different footsteps came from behind them, varying from loud to near silent ones. Peter and Harley were the next one's to approach Carlos, pouts instilled on their faces.

"How come you like her more than us? We're basically irresistible," Harley said, both the brunets pushing their hair out of their faces as if they were in a hair commercial, only to be knocked out of whatever trance they were in as some orange — most likely carrot-flavored — baby food was thrown at them. Another girl on the other side of the room yelled a quickly apology as the two sulked even further.

Carlos suddenly gasped. ''Ms. Y/N! You need to come help me get my stuff out of my room! And then we need the make a card to give to the other kids. And then we need to!—''

He continued on one of his many rants of the day, trying to drag Y/N over to the "creative corner". Y/N let out an amused huff. "Kiddo, I need to sign some papers so—''

Bruce, who was approaching placed a hand on her shoulder. ''Don't worry about it. We'll call you when you need to sign some signatures,'' the ravenette told her, to which Carlos took it as his cue to pull her towards the corner.

Peter and Harley ran being the two, the pair almost as child-like as the the other literal children around them. ''Wait for us!" they wailed.

Mary let out a laugh, turning to the rest of the Avengers who all held some type of joy behind their eyes as they stared. This time, Mary held a smirk against her lips.

''Each time you came here, you look more and more like lovesick puppies,'' she said, just a bit surprised when they didn't say anything to protest that statement. Over five months ago, when they finally admitted their feelings, even still they would've said something otherwise, faces becoming flushed no matter the fact they were trained not to do so. It was relieving in a way.

''I don't think that's a particularly bad thing, is it not?" Loki said, fiddling with the watch wrapped around his wrist.

Mary shook her head. ''Of course not. And besides, it's a good look on your faces when you're not out... heroing. If anything, it makes you look more human. I figure every person outta' look like that every once in a while.''

A comfortable silence fell over them as they sat down at a large dark oak table big enough to fit them all, and one that matched the aesthetic of the building. An occasional kid would walk up, asking questioned or for an autograph as papers were filled out, heroes happy to do so.

Y/N and Carlos, followed by the other two rascals, soon came over, smiles on their faces and somehow paint and glitter in all of their hair. Tony raised an eyebrow at them. "What happened?" he asked.

The toddler puffed out his chest, taking it upon himself to speak up. ''Peter and Harley said that they were better than Y/N because they were in the tower first, and were heroes, so I challenged them to a war!''

Bucky smirked. "And who won?" he asked, a feral gleam soon shared between the two.

"Us! Obviously!" he proclaimed, a bright and broad smile on his face once again that showed of the boy's tooth gap. "With me and the Avengers' girlfriend, no one can beat us!''

''Hell yeah!'' Sam said, not caring about his language as he high-fived the boy. ''That's what I'm talking about!''

This time, Mary watched as Y/N didn't recline from the nickname as she would do before, rather closing her eyes as she smiled softly to herself, taking it in the same way the team did when the woman talked about their puppy love.

Not to mention she looked lighter, if that made sense. She looked brighter, and always full of golden energy. As if when he accepted and released whatever baggage that was on her shoulders, it made her life easier to bare with, especially with people around her to support her.

She watched with a knowing smile as Wanda pulled her into her side, whispering something softly in her ear before laying a kiss on her forehead, and that's when she knew.

They were all made for each other.


its been a literal month since i updated this book what–

but no seriously, if you're reading this it means you actually like this and that says a lot so thank you!

i hope you guys enjoyed this book!❤

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