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Chapter 65:


THE RAPID KNOCKING ON (Y/N)'S DOORS was what woke her up, causing her to pull the covers over her head and bury her face in her pillow. 

''Go away!'' she said to Amy as she brunette knocked on the door again, this time opening it wide her side with a brown box in her hands as she walked in.

''Wake up, kiddo! It's 2 pm already,'' she said, pulling the sheets off of her. ''Aren't you suppose to be somewhere today?" she noted with a raised brow, taking a seat at the end of the girl's bed. 

''You sound like a mom,'' (Y/N) groaned, finally sitting up on the bed and hazed-over eyes. ''And it's way too early for me to be up, anyway,'' she said, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

The girl grabbed the box as Amy gestured it over to her, opening the medium-sized cardboard box with a knife from under one of her pillows to which Amy eyed her for it, but didn't say anything to her.

''Did you buy this?" (Y/N) questioned her, eying her an oversized sweater in her favorite color, humming to herself as she set it down to the side, yawning again. ''It's nice.''

Amy shook her head. ''Delivery man dropped it off, but I'm pretty sure that Ms. Romanoff bought it for you,'' she stated with a shrug towards her. 

(Y/N) hummed again. She'd learned that the woman was a SHIELD agent from Natasha and learned to accept it, but she'd become warier of her. Of course, not that different, per se, but tenser because of some vibes she gave off that she now the reasons why.

Maybe that's why she managed to fit in so perfectly with her and Justin. The two wore masks all the time, even if accidental, so maybe that's why she managed to get in without any of them suspecting anything from her.

''Oh,'' she said aloud, eyeing her phone with heavy-lidded eyes, ''I didn't actually think they wanted me to go the tower today,'' she mumbled under her breath but was sure that Amy heard her from the way that she turned her head to look at her quickly. 

''Wait, really?" she said with a slight laugh, watching how the teen finally got out of her bed, still hugging one of her pillows as she did so, making her way over to the bathroom. ''Mhm,'' (Y/N) answered back.

In return, Amy chuckled, getting out of the girl's room and going over to the kitchen. ''Use protection, kiddo!''

''Shut up!''

(Y/N) adjusted the sweater Natasha had sent her, making it paired nicely with her sweater and the Converse she wore. Once satisfied, she made her way to the living room. 

Most of the things inside of the apartment had been packed away. Mainly the things in the living room were Amy's and whatever she had planned to bring back to Lousiana when the month was over, which was coming to a close. It wasn't stuff that (Y/N) could care less about, but it made the whole place look bare. 

''Going somewhere?" Amy asked from the table in the kitchen, stuffing an omelet in her mouth. (Y/N) nodded. ''Just heading to Starbucks,'' she replied, grabbing the keys near the door.  

''Oh, well do you need a ride?" the elder asked, getting a shake of the head from the younger of the pair who just wanted to be alone, especially after waking up way too early. ''No thanks. I'll walk,'' she finalized getting an okay from Amy before she walked out of the apartment. 

Just as she did, she suppressed the urge to roll her eyes when she saw Jasmine in the hallway leaving her home too, immediately flashing the (H/C)-haired girl a smile.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now