𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴

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Chapter 23:
𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴


AMY LOOKED AT (Y/N) WITH slighter wider eyes at her proposition. She almost believed someone had kidnapped her (Y/N) and replaced her with a look-alike. 

Even Justin looked at her a bit different, and (Y/N) could see why. She was an introverted genius (around them, at least) and wouldn't dare step out of her comfort zone on a day basically classified as the weekend. 

She cared about her weekends, okay?

''You want to go to a party? Did I hear that right?" Justin asked, the words coming out of his mouth sounding foreign. 

(Y/n) nodded her head. Her hands were stationed in her lap to hide her shaking limbs. Going to the party is one thing, but actually asking to go is another. 

''Jake Commons is throwing it over at his place as an introduction to Spring Break. You guys know how it is every year,'' (Y/N) stated with a shrug of her shoulders. 

Amy looked over at Justin with a raised brow. ''I don't see why not, hmm? What do you think, babe?" she asked the raven-haired man who was still looking at (Y/N) scenarios going and running in his head. 

''Don't come back late. Or do. Just make sure that Ethan kid brings you back,'' he told her. (Y/N)'s stomach turned. HE hated how sincere he sounded about it all. 

Like he actually cared, you bitch. 

(Y/N) nodded, that thought about her passing as she got to get out of the house. A genuine smile reached her face as she ran up the stairs to her room, her fast footsteps echoing throughout the home. 

''Are you sure we're making the right decision here?" Justin murmured. Amy smiled back at her boyfriend. ''She'll be fine. You know our (Y/N). What's the worst thing she could do?" Justin's eyebrows furrowed. 

''You have no idea.''

''Don't you think this is outfit is, I don't know, a bit too much?'' (Y/N) said, rubbing her palms up and down her thighs. "I'll literally glow in the dark while I'm at this thing.''

Jessie, Ethan's younger sister by just 3 years, giggled. ''Oh, come on, girlie! You'll be the baddest bitch at this thing with a body like that!'' the younger teen squealed. This feels like dress-up, (Y/N) thought, shuddering at the thought. 

(Y/N) chuckled awkwardly at her words. She still haad bruised on her body that was all covered in makeup and where people could not see. The girl hugged herself as she turned to Ethan. 

''Are you sure I'm not making a mistake going to this thing?" the teen said aloud, putting her hair into her favorite hairstyle. Ethan looked at her for a bit before smiling. ''You'll be fine, no need to overthink this.''

Grabbing her hand, Jessie dragged (Y/N) to Ethan's car. ''And besides! This is going to be one of the best parties this year! You can't miss it or the next!'' the light-brunet told her. 

(Y/N) rolled eyes at the thought of attending another one of these parties. And there was no way in hell that she would go to Jake's summer kick-off parties. Yes, parties. They last about a week before everyone heads out of state for vacation. 

''Doesn't mean that I'll enjoy it,'' she mumbled hopping into the passenger's seat. One of the worst things that could happen was that her anxiety would get the best of her and she would lock herself in the bathroom 'till sunrise. 

A hand was laid on top of hers. Looking up, she saw an honest-to-God look of seriousness on Ethan's face. It always made him look older than he really was. Some of her anxiety seemed to melt away in comfort of her best friend. 

''You'll do fine, Sugar. If you need to leave, just come and get me, okay?"

That lying bastard! (Y/N) thought angrily to herself as she walked around (or tried to) in the crowded area. As she soon as they had entered the house (which was quite large, might I add), he dumped her off with Jessie who soon evaporated in the crowd.

It didn't help that eyes followed her around as she moved. With the outfit, he was wearing and the flashing colored lights everywhere, she stuck out like a sore thumb. However, she couldn't lie and say that she didn't look good. 

''Maybe this was a bad idea after all,'' she said out loud. She didn't even bother trying to speak loud enough for someone to barely hear her. No one could hear her over the loud music anyway unless she yelled.

A large table filled with food and drinks across the room caught her attention. A huff that could not be heard came from her as she tried to move through the sea of people.

(Y/N) wouldn't say that she was a claustrophobic person, but the amount of body heat radiating off of the crowd raised her low anxiety to pass the meter. Bodies grinded and hugged her smaller frame and it worried her when some hands squeeze in places she didn't like.

''I just want food,'' she whined, happy when she arrived at the table. Her hand reached for the caramel-drizzled brownies and tossed them on a small paper plate. 

(Y/N) flinched forward when a and touched her shoulder. She knew it couldn't be Ethan because he always draped his arm over her shoulders. Turning around, she prepared for the worst to happen to her. 

''Rami,'' she said in disbelief. The boy with bright red hair smiled down at her, brown freckled glimmered under the bright lights. ''What up, (Y/N/N), Didn't think I would find you here. Your nose is always stuck in a book,'' he said, raising his voice slightly over the music.

(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders. ''I had to get out of my comfort zone sometime. This is just a little push,'' she said. That was wrong. Extremely wrong. She was out of her comfort zone by miles and was ready to hurl behind a bush. 

Remi laughed as he offered (Y/N) a red solo cup in to which she declined. "I don't drink,'' she told him, a forced smile on her lips. 

This time, the redhead (literally, his hair is as bright as the sun) shook his head. ''It just some punch, (Y/N). Non-alcoholic, I promise!'' he assured her. 

(Y/N) looked down at the cup suspiciously, but took it nonetheless. She trusted Rami. She met him a few years ago and they became close enough for her to consider him a close friend. 

Yeah, it did taste slightly different, but it didn't seem like it had any alcohol in it. Jake probably brought something that was unfamiliar to her. Yeah, that's it. It had to be. 

Was the room always this dizzy?


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now