𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳'𝘴

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Chapter 50: 
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳'𝘴


WHEN MAYBELLE PARKER OPENED THE DOOR to her apartment, she didn't expect to see her nephew — still in his Spiderman suit, might I add —at 11 pm at night with a girl with (H/C) hair sleeping in his arms.

''Uh, hey Aunt May?" he said, nervously while walking into the apartment, using his foot to close the front door.

 ''What happened?" she asked worriedly, watching the teen superhero take off his mask. ''I thought you were at the tower,'' she said.

Peter rubbed at the nape of his neck after he placed (Y/N) on the couch, sparing a glance at her every now and then out of instinct. ''She needed me, I went,'' he told his aunt. 

May raised an eyebrow are him, eyeing him suspiciously. ''Now you know that's not the whole truth. Stark wouldn't let you leave this tower this late at night,'' she stated, crossing her arms. 

The nervous look on Peter's face seemed to slow bit by bit. ''Okay, so (Y/N) called me. And she seemed like an emergency, which it was, I swear! But at the time, I was at the tower, and when they asked..'' he trailed off of his rambling, mumbling the rest of his words. 

''What was that?" May asked, putting her finger behind her ear to emphasize her point. ''I didn't hear you.''

''I ran away from the tower as soon as they were getting even more suspicious. But it was for a good cause, May!'' Peter exclaimed. May tilted her head, sighing softly. 

''And what was this reason?" she asked, getting a shrug of the shoulders from Peter. ''She didn't say.. exactly what it was, but she seemed so messed up about it. I just know that she kind of jumped off a balcony,'' he said, leaving out the part that she stabbed a man.''

May hummed cautiously, glancing at (Y/N) who laid unconscious on the couch. The older Parker had seen a few things in her lifetime, and even more when she found out that Peter was Spiderman, so of course she didn't verbally question the dried blood on the cuffs of her sweater. 

However, May herself was 45. She'd lived long enough to meet her soulmate when she was younger, so when she glanced at Parker who was staring at (Y/N) with a lovesick look in his eyes, she couldn't help but audibly gasp.

''She's your soulmate?! Holy moly!'' she said loudly, causing for (Y/N) to shift and groan in her sleep, which made Peter panic slightly. 

''No so loud, Aunt May!'' he said, gently dragging his aunt into the kitchen with him, glancing back at (Y/N) one more time while doing so to make sure she was still asleep. ''I really don't want to wake her up.''

May let out a small laugh. ''When did you tell her?" she asked. Her eyebrows furrowed at the look on Peter's face. ''Are you telling me you didn't tell her?'' she questioned more, getting a devastating sigh and nod from him. 

''I plan on telling her, I really do! Just not... now,'' he admitted, staring down at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. ''I promise,'' he told.

May sighed this time, then sending an assuring smile at Peter. ''How about you send the cute girl to your bed to sleep there? Hopefully, she won't mind sleeping with you at all,'' she commented, not noticing how the teen's ears turned bright red. 

''Oh, and go take a shower. You smell like beef.''

When (Y/N) first woke up, she expected to still be on the rooftop leaning against Peter or a wall of some sort, but was somewhat surprised when she'd felt a soft surface underneath her. 

She hadn't gone back home. Well, she didn't remember going back home. What if Peter had dropped her back off? The thought alone, even though it was unlikely, made her anxiety rise, but what made her shoot out of bed was when she realized she wasn't wearing her grey sweater from before.

''What the fu—'' she was cut off with Peter walking into the room with his 5th backpack this month slung over his shoulder and a piece of toast in his mouth. 

''Goodmorning, babe!'' he said cheerfully, forgetting the nickname he had given her fall out of his mouth and flashed her a smile. His words and his smile alone made her want to kindly rip her heart out of her chest and give it to him.

Not in like a weird kind of way...

Sort of...

She's not THAT crazy.

What are we kidding, she totally is.

''Where's my sweater?" she asked, swinging her feet over to the side of the bed as she stood up, grabbing her phone. (Y/N) sent him a questioningly look with narrowed eyes. ''You didn't change my shirt, did you?"

(Y/N) didn't like that. It meant that he would see the scars decorating her torso, and though she had grown up with them basically, it didn't mean that she hated them any less. And besides, she hadn't been covering them ever since she came to New York.

Peter's face flushed more than humanely possible. It had to be a talent of his. ''N-no! Aunt May did!'' he rushed out, holding his toast in his hands before he could risk choking. 

At the mention of his aunt, (Y/N)'s face light up with a bright smile accompanying it. Peter's heart seemed to beat slightly faster. There, he decided that he officially loved that smile of hers.

''I want to say hi to her,'' she said, making her way out of the room. Peter tossed his bag down, following behind her. 

When the older brunette saw (Y/N), instantly she sent her a warm smile, automatically going over to give her a hug. 

''I thought I would never meet you! Especially not this soon! Thank you for telling me about Peter's unhealthy habits!'' May said, smiling softly. 

(Y/N) sent her one right back. ''Don't worry about it, Ms. Parker! I'm glad I could help,'' she said back to her. 

Peter looked at the both of them, awe swirling in eyes especially when he looked at (Y/N). From most of the talks she had with him and the team, she wasn't the nicest person, but it seemed to she could warm when she wanted to be. 

''I hope you don't mind me staying here, Ms. Parker. I don't want to intervene,'' the teen said apologetically in which May shook her head. 

''Not at all. Anything for Peter's friends, '' she said, sharing a look with the younger Parker. ''Now how about you go take a shower, and I'll make you a plate of food, hmm?" she suggested, getting a nod from (Y/N).

As (Y/N) walked towards the bathroom May directed her to, May raised an eyebrow at her nephew. ''Did you see those scars? Not too unnatural, don't you think?" she asked.

Peter's eyes seemed to darken, which was a rare look on the usual cheerful teen. He remembered the jagged marks that decorated her torso, markings that seemed to be made by a knife. It was different from the scars on her wrist. Someone else clearly made them, but he wasn't going to find out how she got them.

He was going to find out who gave them to her.

And boy, were they going to suffer. 


tbh, this feels more like a filler chapter for me, but i hope you guys liked it. i love you! 💙


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now