𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘺

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Chapter 62:
𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘺


"SO WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO THE TOWER?" Natasha asked (Y/n) who looked up from her phone at her with confusion. Natasha did a hand motion that urged her to go on.

''Oh. I'll come to the tower when I get to go to a BTS meet and greet,'' she said to her, frowning and internally crying in broke. Natasha raised an eyebrow at her with a small smirk on her face. 

''Babe, you know that I can make that—'' ''No, don't even try to give me false (j)hope,'' (Y/N) said in return, cutting her off as she continued watching something on her phone, the redhead standing beside her and looking over her shoulder. 

Footsteps came from behind the two, causing (Y/N) to turn around out of instinct to see Peter, Thor, and Loki. She smiled at them before waving at the trio.

''Hey boys,'' she greeted, make an oof sound when Thor pulled her into a tight hug. She swore that all of her bones in her upper-body broke at that moment. 

''You're crushing her, you big oaf,'' Loki sneered at his older brother, hitting him on the back of his head until he begrudgingly let (Y/N) go. 

''How are you, (Y/N)?" Peter asked from beside the two brothers, sending a soft smile from the brunet her way as they walked down the sidewalk, pulling her closer to his side every once in a while.

It wasn't weird to see some of the Avengers in public, as they didn't care much about the media themselves in certain situations, so it didn't bother then that much. It did, however, become a slight problem when they were walking with an unknown woman who'd been all over the news and in almost every magazine out there with them. 

Said attention made the four of them move slightly closer to the girl, because not only did they not want to get her face in a ton of photos, but not to get more attention from some organizations like Hydra or AIM.

''Pretty okay, I guess? Just another day, you know,'' she told him, eyeing the four of them as they closer to get, but she wasn't going to question it yet. They probably had their reasons.

''And the fact that she doesn't want to come to the tower,'' Natasha added, getting an eye-roll from her and interested looked from the others, especially from Loi who raised an eyebrow. 

''You don't?" he asked hesitantly as he looked down at her (sorry tall babes) eyeing her carefully. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders. 

''It's not like I'm dying to meet the rest of you. You're just the Avengers,'' she said in a nonchalant tone with her eyes closed, a slight smirk on her face as she said so. 

A smirk then appeared on their faces after the god of mischief sneezed, knowing it that she'd been lying. ''Whatever you say, kitten,'' Natasha cooed teasingly, sharing a look with the two gods and the spiderling.

(Y/N) put her phone away, trying to pay attention to her surrounding. It was way more crowded in the north just for a normal day. Where she came from, most people tended to stay away from others unless it was something big or important. 

And although she was bored but in New York, trying to find a nice store around here that didn't overprice everything was. As if reading her thoughts, Loki turned to her and whispered in her ear. ''We can pay for anything you need,'' he assured.

''So what's the plan?" Peter asked, having to scream slightly because of how loud it was around the, though it didn't seem to bother any of them.

(Y/N) glanced down at the watch he was wearing around his wrist. A few minutes past noon and her stomach was already crying despite having breakfast not too long ago. It wasn't her fault that she was always hungry.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now