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Chapter 69:



Y/N AND JUSTIN WERE DIFFERENT drastically in different ways, especially when it came to physical attributes. The girl had clearly taken more of her beauty from her mother than the latter parental figure. One thing she was constantly reminded of is the L/N's smile, it being nearly blinding. 

But as time went on, she grew disappointed in having such a thing. Being compared to her mother in certain ways always managed to lead her into a deep depression, constantly trying to avoid smiling in hopes of not being reminded. But in New York, since no one really knew her, she wouldn't have to worry about that and could smile all she wanted.

But in the presence of her dad, instead of someone else reminding her, her mind seemed to do that for her. Always pointing out flaws or similarities the two shared. It made her feel guilty, as it was something always engraved into her head.

When she looked Justin, he looked different. Well, not different, but more collected. He was probably planning this, wasn't he? The words echoed around her head for an answer, although she already knew. Seeing him all cleaned up like this made her question the lengths he would go to prove to the outside world he was a great guy and sane. She was familiar with it all, so maybe that's why she couldn't miss the insanity behind those brown eyes of his, hiding behind a bright grin and outstretched arms.

''Y/N! Sweetheart!'' he said, walking towards the girl and pulling her into the warm embrace, her own wrapping around the man out of the instinct of putting on this sickening facade. A long time ago she would've melted into the hug and found it comforting, but now made her want to throw up. The squeeze he had given her made her tense up ever so slightly, finding the threat hidden behind it rather quickly.

Looking over the brunet's shoulder, she spotted Rami. How did he even get caught up in this? But looking back, he was the one who drugged her back at the start of things, so maybe she should've caught on sooner.

He changed too, since the last time she saw him. His natural dirty blonde roots were beginning to show, though somehow balancing itself with the dull red dye still in his hair. Curly locks were brushed aside to cover his left eye, but you could still make out the bandages that covered it.

''I missed you, kiddo!'' he said, pulling back from the forced hug. ''I'm sure this boy back here did, too,'' he said, jabbing his thumb in the direction of Rami to which he sent a cunning smile and narrowed eyes her way.

It made Y/N's lips turn down, but she hid it well with a smile appearing a few seconds later, sending a curt nod to the boy, adding on a small wave.

It didn't take long for the semi-narcissistic billionaire to join in on the small father-daughter reunion.  ''Mr. L/N, I presume?" he asked, extending a hand out to the man.

Justin took it. ''King, actually. L/N was my wife's name. We just figured Y/N would inherit it, as well,'' he said, dropping his hand to the side when the two were done with the handshake. 

That all made the team raise eyebrows, but didn't comment on it. From when Y/N introduced herself, not once did she add 'King' after. Nor was that the name added to Kai. It was as if she didn't want any mention to that side of her at all.

''Sorry for your loss,'' Steve said, sending a look to both Y/N and Justin. He remembered reading about the woman's death in her file, knowing that it must've been hard for her to deal with that at such a young age. 

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now