𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭

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Chapter 20: 
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭


I THINK IT'S EASY TO SAY that everyone agrees with me when I saw that Steve is a buzzkill. That's just a true statement and no one can argue with that. 

Tony knew that as well as he sat his phone down on his desk. Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs that led up and down into his lab and he could already guess who it was. The dread of it all was real at this point. 

''Ms. Hill asks for access into the lab, Mr. Stark,'' FRIDAY said from overhead. Ignoring his AI, he went over his blueprints. Only then, DUM E came over, touching the shoulder of his creator repeatedly to annoy him. 

''Fine! Let her in!'' he said, glaring at the robot. "I regret giving you consciousness,'' he commented, rolling his eyes as he turned around in the chair to face the door. When he spotted Maria, he flashed her a sarcastic smile. 

''Hey there, Hill-'' ''Whatever game you're playing isn't helping,'' the agent said, holding a tablet and vanilla folder in her hands. The look over her face was overall hilarious to Stark but didn't comment on it to refrain from getting kicked where the sun doesn't shine. 

''Whatever you're talking about, I have no idea,'' he lied, eyes scanning over the blueprints again, only this time out of boredom of the conversation at hand. 

''This is about the girl, Stark,'' Hill said, slamming the tablet (that surprisingly didn't break. #flextape) over the papers. Tony looked over at her with a look of annoyance before looking at the tablet, eyes roaming over the screen. 

''What is this?" he asked, a flash of worry on his face. Four charts were lined up. The first three were fine, but the last one has wiped cleanout, numbers falling over the past few weeks. 

''That right there,'' Maria said, grabbing the tablet out of the genius' hands, 

''is the amount of SHIELD agents wents we lost from one of our squads because of your little hacker.''

The Avengers rushed into the conference room. Of course, Tony was the last one through the door. As he liked to say it, ''I'm not late, you guys are just too early,'' was always his excuse. 

It was obvious to spot who wanted and didn't want to be here (take a guess). Fury sat at the head of the table, staring at the same tablet that Hill had shown Tony about an hour or so ago. 

''So, why are we here again? Is it like, a mission or something?" Clint asked, looking up a vent in the corner of the room. Natasha kicked him in his shin. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he wanted to do when this was over. 

''What I want to know who this girl is,'' Fury said, annoyed, ''and why the hell my agents are disappearing because of her.''

If the room wasn't silent before, it sure was now. Steve's attention rushed over to Natasha who laid back in her chair with her eyes closed. 

''I thought you said she was harmless,'' he deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. The redhead shrugged her shoulders. ''Kitty's got claws.''

Natasha's eyes opened, and when they did, they shared a look with Tony who looked at her with the same blank expression on their faces. They both knew what she was capable of, at a level, but something like this was beyond them. 

They didn't think she would go this far. 

''Call her,'' Fury said. Tony looked over at the men dressed in all black like he had grown another head. ''I'm serious. Do it now,'' Fury ordered. 

Tony rolled his eyes but followed the command anyway. As the phone rang, he put it on speaker and tossed in the middle of the table. 

It only took 5 rings for the person on the other end to pick up. ''Why the hell are you calling me at 1 pm on a Saturday?'' (Y/N) asked from the other side of the phone. 

Steve raised an eyebrow. ''Aren't you supposed to be in school?'' (Y/N) scoffed in annoyance. ''No, did you forget it's weekend, dumb-dumb?'' she asked him. Steve couldn't see it now, but there was a smile on her face. 

The smallest oh fuck came from the phone. ''Yes, I'll take a turkey sandwich with mayo, tomatoes, and olives. Thank you, ma'am- Alright, what do you fuckers want?" she asked. Her tone changed from at ease to serious in a heartbeat. 

Almost everyone in the room was surprised at the change, but didn't comment on it. ''What do you know with about the disappearance of 12 of my agents?" Maria asked. 

The other line with silent besides the small grunts and 'thank you's', shared with one 'no, it's perfect'. It was clear that the teen was somewhere out in public. 

''Uh, Sprite, please?" she questions the other person. ''Mhmm, great-Squad 4, yeah? Mission in Tajikistan, right?" she asked, changing between the conversation between the two. ''Why?"

''Where are they, (Y/N)?" Tony said with a sigh. Natasha and Peter sent him a look that said 'how do you know her name?' Tony waved them off. 

A beat of silence approached again, only this time it was longer, setting everyone in the room off.

''Uh, dead? Or, at least, they will be by the end of this week,'' she said, in a tone as if it was the most obvious thing in the world to point out. ''All about the rats, huh?" she muttered, but they heard her. 

Sam sat up in his chair. ''What does that mean, kid?" Another scoff came from (Y/N). Ceo of scoffing, Peter thought, getting a quiet and quick snicker to come from Wanda. 

However, they both stopped their actions at (Y/N)'s roaring laughter from the other end. ''I-I'm sorry. That's just way too funny the way you said that,'' she said in between laughs. Tony looked at the ceiling. Am I sure this chick isn't crazy? 

''I don't like rats. Hydra doesn't like them either if they don't benefit from it.'' Bucky and Wanda flinched from the mention of Hydra. ''Don't you think they would get rid of them if they somehow released information about them to SHIELD? But I can't expect you all to use your brains all the time, can I?" she sighed.

''For the last time, and the last time only, don't underestimate or doubt me. At this point, I think that will be your downfall. Oh, and the flash drive will be in front of the Tower in an hour.''

''Have a good day.''


i have so many ideas for this book. the amount of chapters i'm realeasing for this is ridiculous. anyways, hope you guys enjoy a badass y/n ✌


𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now