Reader and hop scream

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The train ride to Galar was as quiet as ever; it was only you and your aunt; she was the only family you had left, so she was stuck with you, and you were stuck with her. You had three pokemon, Sylveon, Umbreon, and Mimi, they were your real family, you saw Umbreon as a mom-type figure and Sylveon as your sibling, and Finally Mimi as your twin.

You snapped out of your thoughts as the intercom told you that you had arrived in galar, Taking your suitcases and taking a deep breath you exited the train and went outside to see the sun shining brightly, you covered it with your arm in an attempt to see.

"Welcome to Galar!!" You heard someone shout, and you were suddenly pulled into a hug, "What the fuc-" You, however, got cut off from the boy in front of you, "Oh, nobody's moved to postwick in a while! Your gonna love it in Galar!" They exclaimed as you quickly pushed the purple-haired boy off you.

"Hey, I don't appreciate people touching me." You spat, and the boy just looked down a little sad before looking back up sheepishly with a, "Sorry." Your aunt then got onto you for being mean, but you couldn't care less about what she says.

"I apologize for our boy, he gets excited fast." You presume the boy's mom apologized as she ruffled the boy's hair as the purple-haired boy just giggled in response. You looked away from the sight, you'd never admit it, but it stung to see motherly love play out in front of you.

"It's okay," Your aunt finally said, "Y/n isn't that friendly at first, either." She said before you interjected," She means not friendly at all." As your aunt just gave you a glare, the woman, however, just giggled, "Well, let us know if you need help unpacking." The woman said.

Your aunt smiled, "Thank you, we will-" You, however, cut her off, saying, "We'll do what we want." And there was an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds as your aunt sighed, and the family just said their goodbyes awkwardly and walked back to their house.

"You don't have to act so rudely all the time, Y/n." Your aunt said carefully as you and she walked to your new house. You just huffed, "It doesn't matter, anyway." You said, looking away to see some pokemon on route one, that made you smile. What your aunt said next, however, made you frown again.

"Just try and be nice, you'll make more friends!" Your aunt said chipperly as you just rolled your eyes, as far as you were concerned people, in general, were the worst, you didn't have that great of opinions on them, anyways.

You, however, didn't protest as you walked with your arms crossed while holding your suitcase somehow; pure spite can do amazing things. Also, it was easy to do so like...

You made it to your new home, and it was a house, you could confirm. You and your aunt opened the door to find a kitchen, living room, and two bedrooms. It wasn't a big house, but it wasn't small, either. You guess it didn't really matter anyway, you wouldn't be sleeping here, anyways.

Your aunt went into her room, and you went into yours, you heard your aunt call you to go and help her unpack once you were done which you groaned too, Unpacking isn't very cash money, and you didn't stand by it.

But you just pushed it down into a bottle of unrelenting anger and kept it there. Bottling up, your emotions were probably okay, and if it wasn't oh well. You opened your suitcase to find the same three familiar pokeballs in place. You grabbed a small bag you stuffed in the suitcase and then proceeded to stuff the three pokeballs in the bag before noticing a small window in your bedroom.

You smirked, now you knew how to get away from having to unpack with your aunt. "This bitch empty." You said, pointing to yourself, "Yeet!" You finished as you opened and jumped out of the window. You may or may not have fallen on some dirt, you still knew it was worth it.

Not hop x reader shit again/Light The Way. Discontinued 😔✊Where stories live. Discover now