Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I watched Madison run out of the room without a look back, I didn't know what to do. She just tripped, what was the big deal? I looked over to Ashton because I was confused as heck. Everyone has gone silent and Heather was shocked quiet, and she hadn't been quiet since I freaking got here.

I glanced over to my dad and could automatically tell he was about to cry. My dad isn't good at accepting rejection, like anytime he didn't get a promotion or the same praise as everyone else he goes into this depressed state where he was basically mad at the world for three or four days. This was a little bigger than not getting a promostion, I needed to do something.

I turned to Ashton and sent him a wink before rushing out of the door, I had to find Madison now or else all hell was going to break loose.

I ran down every hallway of the church before finally running outside and looking for her there. At first I didn't see anything and almost turned around when I the sun reflected off the lake in front of the church and it caught on the bedazzelment on a flawless white dress.

I walked over and sat down beside of Madison feeling very out of place.

"Are they all freaking out in there?"

"I think everyone is mostly shocked. Whats going on Madison?"

"I'm such an clutz. Everyone saw me fall."

"But no one cared, you look gorgeous and your the bride. Daddy would beat anyone up for saying anything."

"Oh God. Your father saw that."

"Well I don't think he really cared that you fell, he cared that you left and he's like on the brim of crying."

"Really?" she said finally looking at me.


"What am I gonna do?"

"Well you could go marry my dad, just a thought."

"I thought you didn't want me to," she said completely confused.

"I actually don't hate you, just the thought I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"I guess I just don't want to forge my mom, I guess."

"I'm not trying to replace your mom, Rosalie. I hope you don't think that."

"I don't. I guess I'm just really bratty," I laughed.

Madison laughed with me then smiled. "I think we have a wedding to get to," she said.

"Yep, lets go," I said back leading the way to the wedding that needed to be finished.

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