Chapter Fourty-Eight

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I got up the next morning and found Ashton still in my bed. Careful not to wake him I crawled out from under the blankets and made my way downstairs to get some cereal. Ashton wouldn't leave again last night because he didn't want me to be alone. I smiled to myself at the thought of the angel sleeping upstairs in my room.

I had just finished eating and brushing my teeth when I heard Ashton stomping down the stairs like a bear or something.


"Here," I replied walking into the living room where he was waiting. He stood looking really confused in his sweatpants that were hanging fairly low on him.

When he met my eyes he strode over to me and pulled me into a hug quicker than I could process what was happening.

"You scared me when you weren't upstairs," he mumbled into my ear. I giggled and pulled back.

"You slept for a long time. I didn't want you to be tired when you had to go to work tonight."


"What?" I asked curiously.

"I got fired from the CD shop."

"How did you get fired?" I laughed.

"I was tapping on the CDs to much apparently."

I laughed at him. "Then we get to spend the day together."

"Absolutely, I'm gonna go fix something to eat."

"I'm gonna go get dressed."

I finished getting ready and walked down the staircase just in time to listen to Ashton finishing up on the phone.

"Yeah, alright. Bye Calum." He turned around at the sound of my footsteps with a sad expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked obviously worried.

He let out a sigh and looked at me. "We can't hang out today like I wanted."

"Why?" I asked completely broken by his choice of words.

"Not because I don't want to!" He said quickly, reading right through me. "We have an emergency band practice. Apparently Luke has something "important to tell us," he huffed.

I smiled. "That's okay, Ashton. Go have fun, it's probably something important if Luke is making a big deal about it. I'm gonna invite Laurie, Morgan, and Piper over while your gone, okay?"

"Alright," he huffed. "I hate that I'm having to cancel on you."

"It's okay, Ash. Really," I laughed.

"Alright," he sighed again as I walked him to the door. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay," I said standing on my tip-toes to kiss his cheek. "Bye."

He closed the door behind him and I walked into the living room to call Laurie.

"Hey," I said when she picked up.


"Do you wanna come over? The boys are having some emergency meeting or something."

"I'm already on my way," she laughed. "And Piper's with me."

"How'd you know I wanted you here?" I asked sarcastically.

"I didn't know and I didn't care," she replied with just as much attitude.

"Whatever, I'm gonna call Morgan," I smiled at my new friends and how different they are from my old ones.

"Piper is texting her, save your dad the extra money on the bill."

"Way to look out for my dad," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Anytime. Be there in five."



I hung up and ran to sit on my couch waiting for them to get here. When I heard the doorbell ring I yelled, "It's open," and watched my three new best friends walk in together.


We spent the rest of the day basically doing nothing until I heard the doorbell ring and Morgan went to get it.

"Rosie! Rosie!" I heard from the entranceway and although I couldn't see him I knew that voice.

"Ash. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Everything is perfect." He said enthusiastically when he reached me.

"What's going on?"

"Luke got a call from a manager this morning and they want us to tour. They want us to tour all of Australia, Rosie. Isn't that amazing!"

I smiled brightly at him and jumped so that I had a tight grip around his neck. "That's wonderful, Ash. I told you that you would do perfect at that gig," I said as he lifted me off the ground and spun me in circles.

"Theres only one problem," he said quietly as he stopped spinning but didn't let go of me.


"I'll be gone for a long time and you can't exactly come with me."

I pulled away from him and cupped his cheek in my hand. "Everything will be fine, Ash, don't worry."

"We aren't going to lose each other, are we?" He whispered because all the other boys had come in the rooms and a lot of people were hugging and such. No one was paying attention to us though.

"Defiantly not, baby. We will be perfect," I smiled and kissed him slowly. "Now let's go celebrate. I have three days left with you and I don't plan on wasting it."

"Okay," he smiled as we turned to face the crowd of people in my living room.

Michael turned to everyone and smiled. "I feel like it's time to go out and party." He said knowingly, we all agreed loudly and went to get into our cars to drive to who knows where to do who knows what, but it didn't matter because Ashton was happy and that made me the most blissful person on this planet.

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