Chapter Fifty-Two

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I woke up the next morning but I didn't get out of bed, I called in sick to work and just lied there thinking about what I did.

I'm such an idiot. Why would I ever think that breaking up with Ashton would be better for us, I seriously can barely go a day without seeing him and now I'm going to be deprived of his voice. How will I ever live without his giggle?!?

I started to just call Ashton and tell him my mistake but he never called me back yesterday, he didn't try to get back with me, he never explained why he hadn't called when Luke did.

Maybe this would be better, not for me but for Ash. I want him to be happy and being with me was just holding him back. I was wrong to burden him and I wasn't about to. I had lived without Ashton before and I could do it again if it would be better for him.

I didn't realize I was crying until my door opened to reveal a blond-headed girl looking in. I rolled onto my side and whipped under my eyes, trying to rid myself of the tears.

"Hey," I heard someone say from behind Morgan. I could tell by the sweet and gentle voice that it was Laurie and I couldn't be happier that they were both here.

I sat up and motioned them both inside only to see Piper standing behind them with a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and four spoons. I laughed for the first time since finding out about my dads disappearance and sat up while they all gathered on my bed.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We heard about-" Piper stopped talking obviously not sure if what she was saying was appropriate.

"About the-" Laurie tried but couldn't get the words out.

"Damn," Morgan rolled her eyes then turning to me, "We heard about yours and Ashton's break up and we didn't think being alone would help. So Piper here found some ice cream and we are here to eat and talk about something stupid to get your kind off of everything because there is way to much going on in your life for any seventeen year old girl."

Everyone stared at her because of her bluntness, but honestly, I guess I needed to hear it so instead of getting upset I reached over and took the tub from Piper along with a spoon and shoveled a bite into my mouth.

"So what are we going to talk about?" I asked.


It took us about two hours to eat the entire tub because it started to melt so we ended up partially drinking it. After that we decided that going out to eat wasn't an option because sweatpants were a must at a time like this, so Laurie offered to go pick up Japanese.

While she was gone we sat in front of the TV downstairs, trying to think of something to do. Piper suggested swimming but I couldn't bring myself to actually leaving the house. Instead we thought that actually talking about what was going on would work out better.

I was just about to start my side of the story when the doorbell rang so I went to help Laurie out with the food. When I opened the door I almost slammed it shut again because I couldn't figure out why this stupid girl kept showing up at my house. It wasn't Laurie or even Heather because I would almost understand if she showed up. No, instead it was the most undeniably mean and cruel person I have ever been cursed with meeting, and she was on my doorstep for the second time this week.

"What do you want, Haley?" I asked trying to keep my patience.

"I need to talk to you," she said slowly. "Who else is here?"

"None of your business, now tell me what you want or, better, just leave," I said harshly. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with her bullshit.

"Okay, look. I know about your dad and I know about your relationship status going down the drain but the least you could do is hear me out."

I rolled my eyes and instead of arguing with her and wasting my breath I did the only other logical think that I could think of. I took one good step back, smiled widely and falsely, and slammed the door into her face, praying that it broke her precious little nose that Calum thought was so adorable for the longest time.

I turned around, ready to go back to my friends only to see Piper and Morgan standing behind me. Well Piper was standing (with a look of shock on her face). Morgan, on the other hand, was hunched over dying of laughter.

Piper looked at me then back at the door then back at me again before lifting her head and swiftly walking around me so she could turn the doorknob.

By this time Morgan had stopped laughing and we were both standing there watching as Piper brought the wooden door open and started talking to Haley.

"Listen, Haley. There is no getting around the fact that you and Calum dated, there is no getting around the fact that you know him better than any of us, but there is also no getting around the fact that I'm dating Calum now and your apparently dating Michael, so at some point all of us are just going to have to get used to it and get along. I'm sick of everyone looking at me like they pity me and I'm sick of every time you walk in the room everyone thinks I'm going to break down. I'm not going to punch you, like Morgan would, I'm not going to be a smart ass to you, like Rosie would, and I'm not going to over think this, like Laurie would. I'm going to be a normal person and just get over this, we all have to at some point and I don't see why I can't right now."

When Piper finally stopped for air I was beyond surprised, I didn't even know she thought things like that. Sometimes, I just thought of her as Calum's girlfriend and one of my friends. She's always pretty quiet and peppy, I don't guess I really thought about how she was dealing about this whole situation.

"Well then, I guess we are... Okay?" Haley asked slowly.

"I never had a problem with you," Piper shrugged.

"But you two do," Haley said turning her attention to me and Morgan.

"Obviously," I muttered. "You kind of hit on my boyfriend, slutted around with Michael while in front of Calum, and was a bitch to everyone."

"I love how you think your all that but all you do is talk, why don't you actually do something about it?" Haley shot back and so I took a large step forward ready to slap her across her face.

"Because that's not her place, it's mine," Morgan said grabbing my wrist and stepping around me, but towards Haley, slowly.

Piper jumped forward blocking our path to be sure neither of us tried to physically hurt Haley.

Finally I answered her question that I was so ready to fight her over. "Because there is no point, we aren't friends and I want nothing to do with you, so why come after you?"

"Well I have a reason to come after you," Haley said. "Your sister, Heather, I think she is moving in with that boy. That's where she has been all this time, not at a friends house. I'm pretty sure she's pregnant or something."

"How do you even know things like that?" I said stepping forward. "She isn't my sister, I don't care, go tell her mother. Goodbye, Haley." I turned just in time to see Laurie getting out of her car, so I pushed my way forward until I could stomp past Haley and helped Laurie with all of the food. I then went back inside and left Morgan to deal with her because between my dad, Heathers possible pregnancy, and Ashton and I not being together, I just couldn't handle her anymore.

I made sure to emphasize my every move so that when I ended up having to walk back to the door because Morgan wasn't back, I knew Haley had been paying attention.

"You and Ashton were never going to last anyway, he's nice and your, how do I put this nicely, a bitch," she smiled.

I stepped forward, quickly closing the gap between us before I pulled my hand back and punched her with as much power as I had. She stumbled back enough for me to slam the door in her face and I prayed to all the heavens above that they would never make me see her again.

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