Chapter Fifty

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I rode home in silence, Morgan had to drop me off because Mrs. Irwin had to take the kids home. Ashton's brother was in tears, a lot like mine, except he didn't understand what was going on. He's really young and couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Ash wouldn't be at home tonight, or any night for a really long time.

I felt bad for him but it was hard to think about anything but the plane that was taking Ash away from me. I shouldn't be so bothered really. It's only three months and then he'll be back, everything would go back to normal.

When I walked in the door I realized what day it was, today is Saturday. I suddenly realized. I looked around and pulled out my phone to be sure. I started freaking out and scrolled to my contacts, typing Heathers number, as much as I hate her this is an emergency and I needed to talk to her.

"What?" She answered harshly.

"Did your mom call you?" I asked urgently.

"What the hell are you talking about? They are on their honeymoon, of corse she didn't call me." She said and I could basically see her rolling her eyes.

"Heather," I hissed. "They were supposed to get back yesterday."

"So what? They decided to come home a day late. They were probably having to much fun. Quit bothering me."

"Whatever," I said hanging up my phone. I knew she was wrong, my dad doesn't do late. He may forget things and he may under-do things but he is never late. That's just the person he is.

I paced the floor before finally deciding to just call my father. After five rings it went to voice mail and I left something quick before dialing Madison. She answered and chirpilly said hello.

"Thank God," I breathed. "Are y'all coming home soon?"

"I'm catching the flight tomorrow, are yall okay? Is he mad?"

"Who, Ashton? Why would he be mad?"

"No, not-" the line went dead and when I tried to call back it went straight to voicemail. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to the living room where I sat until dinner. After eating I went straight to bed because I didn't have anything else to do.


I woke up around eleven to my phone ringing. I jumped to answer it and flung it to my ear without checking the caller ID.

"Hello," I said expecting Ashton on the other side of the call.

"Hey," a familiar, female, voice responded back to me.

"Oh, Hey Morgs," my voice dropped and I plopped back down on the bed.

"Well it's nice to hear from you too. I just wanted to be sure you weren't dead or anything."

"I'm fine, I just have to go to work tomorrow so I went to bed," I lied. I wasn't in bed because I needed the rest, I was in bed because Ashton wasn't here to keep me awake and happy.

Morgan and I talked for about ten minutes before I hung up and crawled back under the covers.

When I woke up the next morning I still hadn't heard anything from Ashton. I figured he was busy and shrugged it off. I drove to work and returned home without any trouble but the entire trip just reminded me of Michael and how he used to take my shifts for me so that I could hang out with my boyfriend.

I walked into the house and perked up when I remembered my dad and Madison should be home. I rushed into the living room and there sat Madison with her legs crossed flipping through the stations.

"Hey," I smiled. "I'm glad your home."

"I'm glad to be home. How has it been?"


"Oh yeah. I heard about Ashton and the boys leaving. I'm really sorry."

"It's alright."

"So, when did your father get home?" She asked and I didn't know how to answer.

"What do you mean? He came home with you, right?"

Madison jumped off the couch and faced me. "No, we got in a fight three days ago and he left. He never came back. I thought he went home."

I was shaking with fear now. "No. He isn't here, he hasn't been here. I called him yesterday and he didn't answer. Do you think something happened? Do you think he's okay?"

Madison didn't answer me. She picked up her phone and walked out the back door. I followed close behind before she turned and said, "I'm calling the police. Go back inside, Rosalie."

"The police? What do you mean? What's happening?" The tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't wrap my head around what was going on.

"Go inside, Rosalie."

I spun on my heel and inside where I paced the floor trying to decide what to do. Eventually I gave in and strode up the stairs. I grabbed my phone and keys and ran back down to my car and drove without any real place in mind.

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