Chapter Twenty-One

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I sleepily rolled over to find another person beside me. I rolled in the opposite direction having a full on panic attack and thinking of all the possible ways I could defend myself before images from last came rushing back to me.

I looked over to see Morgan in my bed beside of me. I wasn't sure on how exactly I got up there but whatever. I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, adjusted my sweat pants, and ran a brush through my long, brown, wavy hair.

I then walked down the stairs as carefully and quiet as I could. I snuck into the living room, looking to see if everyone was still here. I saw everyone except Ashton in there so I figured he went home. Luke was sprawled out on the couch, Michael was in the recliner and Calum and Haley were cuddled on the floor.

I decided to go and fix some orange juice so I walked pass them and headed to the kitchen. As I walked in I found Ashton rummaging through the fridge. He looked up at me, signaling that I wasn't being as quiet as I'd originally thought.

I smiled at him as he closed the door. "I figured you'd gone home," I said to him as he sat down at the table.

"Nah, I just can't sleep in other peoples houses very well so I ended up waking up pretty early," he said.

I sat down across from him. "You could have came and got me,"
I paused, "how did I end up in my bed?"

"Luke carried Morgan upstairs and I carried you. There was no way you two would be comfortable the way you guys were sleeping."

"Well thanks?" I said smiling softly.


I jump at the feel of hands clamping against my shoulders and earned laughter both from Ashton and the figure behind me. I turned to see Luke behind me and a sleep eyed Michael walking up.

"Hey guys," I smiled standing up. "Does anyone want anything to eat?"

I was replied with a chorus of yes' and I walked into the kitchen. I got out the supplies needed for eggs, pancakes, and bacon. "Need help?" I heard from behind me.

I looked over to see Michael slightly more awake and striding into the kitchen. "You cook?"

"Nope," he replied laughing. "But I can poor drinks."

I laughed and returned my attention to frying bacon. "Sounds like a plan."

I listened to Michael open the fridge and retrieve the drinks. "Um, where are your cups?" He asked looking a bit lost.

I laughed at his facial expression and gestured to a cabinet in the far left. I sat back against the counter and watched him reach up and get the cups out, counting out the amount needed by silently mouthing the words. He turned to catch me staring. "What?" He asked.

"I have been in Australia for less than a week," I stated. "And I already have all of you for amazing friends. How did that happen?"

"Well I am an amazing person and I adopted you into our group," Michael snickered jokingly.

I laughed. "Whatever."

I tucked my brown hair behind my ear and finished up with the bacon.

"But seriously," Michael started. "I'm glad we are all getting pretty close."

I turned and smiled at him. "Yeah, me too."

Michael and I finished up with the food and we set it all out onto the bar buffet style. We exited the kitchen to find everyone else gathered in the living room. "Foods ready," I stated and I swear before I'd even muttered the last syllable Luke had gotten up and made a b-line for the kitchen.

Everyone laughed at his quick actions and we all made our way to the kitchen to fix our plates. After we all had our plates and were settled at the oversized dinning room table I heard the doorbell ring.

I looked around questionably to be sure everyone really was here and stood up to get the door. "Do you know who it is?" Ashton asked.


"Then I'll come with you," he said standing.

Ashton and I made our way to the front door only to be greeted with the dark brown eyes I have come to know and hate. "What do you want Heather? I thought you were staying with some prissy friend of yours."

"I am," she said pushing her way past me and eyeing Ashton skeptically. "I saw all the cars on my way to the coffee shop and figured you'd thrown a party or something. I didn't think you would invite this loser though."

I stepped forward. "Don't go there with me, Heather," I hissed with my eyes narrowed. Ashton hooked his arm around my waist to assure me and I let out a breath.

"What do you want?" I asked her again much more slowly, pronouncing every word.

"I'm going to get my protein juice," she replied. "But that's really none of your business."

She walked out into the kitchen and not even thirty seconds later I heard her growl, "What are all of you doing at my dinning room table?"

I walked in behind her and leaned against the frame of the door. "I invited them," I said with a smirk on my face. "Do you have a problem with that, Heather?"

She started to say something but I cut her off. "Good because I really didn't care if you did."

She flipped her hair and walked up like she was going to leave the room but stopped when she got right beside me. "You know, Rose, your really starting to get on my nerves," she said sickly sweet.

I smiled brightly at her. "Good," I said brightly. "Then my reason for living is complete."

We all turned to watch her stomp out of the room and listened as she slammed the front door closed. Morgan was the one to break the silence with her laughter. "That was hilarious," she said, holding up her hand in an invitation for a high five.

I met my hand with hers and sat back down with Ashton quickly following my actions.

We continued our meal laughing at the previous actions of the morning and talking about what we would do for the rest of the day.

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