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Time could only tell what happened between Ashton and Rosalie. After eight years of being together, they got married and as you could imagine Ashton messed up his vows because he couldn't focus and Rosalie messed up hers while crying. Ashton whipped her tears away and they pushed through.

When the preacher said "I know pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." Everyone in the audience sprang to their feet and the two shared the second most important kiss of their lives, but they agreed that the number one kiss was the one that they shared the very first time, the one that started all of this.

Ashton and Rosalie had three children and they all fought and argued but when the youngest got her heart broken, her big brother was the first to go up to the boy followed by Luke and Morgans son, the quarterback of the football team and Calum and Pipers little boy, who couldn't even help because he was so small and nerdy. The heartbroken girl was comforted by her big sister, Michael and Laurie's (yes Laurie) daughter, and her best friend which happened to be Calum and Pipers youngest daughter.

Rosalie and Ashton argued a bit and they sometimes didn't speak all day but at night they would always cuddle and talk until the problem was resolved. Of corse it was hard with Ashton touring all over the world and not being home as much as a dad should but when he was home he was the best dad anyone could ask for.

Rosalie's dad never found his way home and Hether did end up being pregnant. Madison and Rosie talked sometimes but not often and her children didn't yet understand who Madison truly was. Ashton helped her with the process of getting over her father but they never had a funural becasue Rosie believed that he could still be out there somewhere.

Life was a hard run for their family but they got through it by thinking back to the very first days, the day when when Ashton came in the girls bathroom, the day they when they went to the carnival and the day Ashton came home and made the world right again. One day the kids wanted to here the story, the story of how everything started. So Rosalie and Ashton cuddled everyone up around the fire and together they started talking about. Much to Ashton's surprise, becasue she usually insisted on him telling all of the stories, Rosalie was the one to begin.

"My life was perfect until my daddy, your grandpa, decided to marry a girl named Madison and I was forced to move to Austalia..."

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