Chapter Fourty-Five

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I woke up on Tuesday but nothing exciting happened. Ashton and I went through the same process as the day before, the only difference was that Ashton actually had to work for once. I swear that boy is off more than any person I know.

Wednesday was perfect because I didn't have to work, Michael had taken off, Ashton didn't have to work, again, and everyone else didn't have jobs. So we all ended up spending the day together.

I woke up to my phone ringing for the third time this week. I rolled over, still slightly asleep and upset by whoever had ruined my peace.


"Hey, Love," Ashton said happily. I could basically hear him smiling into the phone. Don't get me wrong I love talking to Ashton and doing anything for him, but did he always have to wake me up?

"Are you downstairs?" I asked, already climbing out of bed.


"I'll come let you in." I said as I finished skipping down the stairs quickly.

"You should just get me a key so I don't have to wake you up and can just come crawl in bed with you."

I opened the door to find it dark outside and Ashton shirtless.

"Why is it so dark? What time is it?" I asked completely confused and becoming soothed by the warm summer breeze.

I looked down at my phone because Ashton made no effort to answer my question and found that it was only three in the morning. No wonder I'm so tired.

"I couldn't sleep and I really wanted to be sure you were okay. It suddenly hit me that you've been staying home alone all this time." I giggled at how cute he was being. "And I missed you," he said quietly, staring at the ground.

"Awwww. Your so sweet," I cooed to him almost as if I were talking to a three year old or a puppy.

I grabbed Ashton's hand immediately intertwining our fingers. "Come on," I said tugging him in the door and closing it behind us. "Can we go back to bed? You need your rest for tonight." I said partially because he needed rest but mostly because it was three in the morning and I was barely able to keep my eyes open.

"Yeah okay," he followed me as I tugged him up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom.

He jumped in the bed pulling the covers back so that I could scoot beside him. As I laid down, Ashton put his arms around me, tugging me closer to him and urging me to rest my head on his chest. I curled up and made myself comfortable before letting myself drift off to sleep knowing I was safe with Ashton beside, or underneath, me.


I slept until the sun rose and I felt the bed empty. I was told that Ashton slept super late so why is it he is up before me?

I walked down the stairs, not bothering to change, and found Ashton sitting on the couch watching tv. I stood watching him for a moment wondering how we ended up in this situation. This amazing boy was in my house on my couch on his own free will. What did I do to deserve this?

I walked up behind him and slid my arms around his neck careful not to hurt him as he jumped from me suddenly clinging to him.

"Good morning, baby." I said to him planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning," he smiled turning to me, then back to the screen.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked dropping my arms and walking around the couch so I could plop down beside him.

"I guess I'm a little excited," he laughed nervously looking down at his thumbs that were twirling.

"You'll do perfect," I smiled completely confident that he would. Ashton knew what he was doing, he's the best drummer I know.

"I fixed you breakfast. It's in the kitchen," he said obviously proud of himself.

I stood up and made my way to the stove so I could attack the eggs and pancakes that we waiting for me.

I heard shuffling behind me then felt strong arms around my waist and Ashton's chin resting on my head.

"Do you mind if everyone meets up here? I don't think Calum's mom actually knows about the gig and Michael said his parents didn't want us trashing their house again," he asked with his head still heavy on my head.

"They can come," I smiled not understanding why he felt the need to ask but thinking it was cute either way.

"Awesome," he mumbled kissing my cheek lightly and sounding relieved as he did so.

He pulled away and leaned against the counter and watched as I fixed my food. I started feeling nervous by his eyes constantly on me and almost dropped my plate.

"Did you already eat?" I asked.

"Nope,"he smiled. "I just want to be sure you get enough before I finish off the eggs."

I laughed at him and walked off into the living room. I sat down on the couch switching the TV channel before Ashton could get in the room and stop me.

"You know you could have gotten a plate," I said eyeballing him walking in the room with the pan of eggs.

"But that's just a waste of dishes," he snickered.

I shook my head at him and moved over so he could sit comfortably on the couch beside of me.

"When are your parents getting back?"

"Friday," I said not even bothering correcting him about the whole parents thing. He doesn't do it on purpose, he's to sweet for that.

I finished off my plate and, rather than watch the tv, I trained my eyes on Ashton. He was scarfing down the eggs like he hadn't eaten in days.

"Slow down. They aren't going to get up and walk away if you don't eat them in ten minutes," I laughed but with a slightly serious tone. "Ashton, your gonna get sick on stage."

"I'm so nervous," he said leaning back with a half hearted smile.

"I'm telling you, you'll do fine," I smiled.

"What if I screw up on stage?" He said completely shocking me. How could he even think that?

"You won't. You have practiced those song a million times. You know them inside and out." I said completely believing my words.

"Are you sure we'll be okay." He asked doubtfully.

"Yes," I nodded my head.

"Then," he hesitated. "I'm sure we will too."

"Good. Now finish the eggs. I'm gonna go get ready for everyone to come over. I have your clothes from last time, if you want them."

"Please," he smiled.

"I'll bring them down when I'm done."

"Okay," he leaned over and kissed me before I headed up the stairs to prepare for Ashton and the boys big night. Nothing is gonna ruin this for them.

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