Chapter Seven

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We pull into a house that is cute really. It reminds me of one of the vacation homes that my family used to stay in when we visited the mountains in the summer.

"This is Michael's house," Ashton says. "We always have band practice here."

I nod my head and we jump out of the car. Slowly we make our way to the side door and into the garage.

"It's about time, Ashton. You are always late and messing up the systemmmmm...." A blond headed, blue eyed boy stops talking and his eyes land on me. "Ashton, who is this?"

"Is everyone here?" Ashton askes ignoring the question. "Where is Morgs?"

"Coming Ash. What's going on?" A really pretty blond haired, greyed eyed girl walks out the door that leads to the house.

When she walks out Ashton starts talking. "Okay, everyone this is Rosalie." Then he makes his way to me and tells me everyone's names one-by-one.

"Rosie, this is Michael," he says pointing to a red and black haired boy. "This is Luke," he says pointing to the blond one who spoke at first. "That one is Haley," pointing to a dark haired girl with big pretty eyes. "That's Morgan," he says pointing to the pretty blond who came in earlier, "and that's Calum," he says pointing to a tan boy that look very frantic.

"Um, that's nice and all but what exactly is she doing here?" The blond boy, Luke I think, say. "No offense, angel," he says pointedly at me.

"Well, she kinda needed a ride home and she told off Heather and I was late for band practice so I just brought her here."

"Wait stop," Morgan says quickly. "She told off Heather?" Then to me, "What for? What did she do to you?"

"Well nothing really..." I trail off.

Everyone else looks confused but Ashton is just smiling, "Yeah, that's the best part. She told her off because she was making fun of you guys... And she didn't even know you yet!"

I look around and everyone is staring at me. I think I'm going to be sick.

"That is the coolest thing I have ever heard," the colored hair boy shouts.

"Yeah, that's bloody amazing," Morgan says as she strides over to Luke.

"Hey, Cal. Are you okay?" Haley says quietly as she walks to his side. Taking his hand she brings him back to planet Earth.

Everyone around us are talking and chatting but I'm watching them from beside of Ashton.

"Yeah, I'm fine baby. I just can't stand that girl," he says placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

Man, I want a relationship like that.

Eventually, three girls are put onto a couch and the boys start off a song that's called Out Of My Limit.

"Back in high school we used to take it slow

Red lipstick on and high heel stilettos..."

We had a long night of them playing and the three of us dancing around like idiots. It was fun and at this point I starting to think Australia wasn't that bad after all.

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