Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up to the sound of rain lightly hitting the roof of the house. I like the sound of rain, it's soothing and full of rhythm.

I got out of bed and walked down the step. I didn't hear anyone but I figured my dad would tell me when he left. I walked out into the garage to find both cars gone. Heather must have left early, or never came home last night.

I walked into a kitchen and found a note on the dining room table:

We didn't want to wake you so we just left. We will be home Monday afternoon. I love you and will call you when we get there, sweetheart.

I sighed and sat down in the chair. My dad would be the one the leave his seventeen year old daughters by herself without any warning.

I stood up from the table and walked up the stairs. I know I told Ashton ten but maybe he would want to come earlier. I don't like being home alone and this is barely even my home.

I called Ashton's number and waited. He answered on the third ring. "Hello," he said, his voice scratchy from sleep.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up," I started. "Um just call me back when you get up and-"

Ashton cut me off. "Rosie?"

"Um yeah."

"Your parents are already gone?" He paused. "It's only nine."

I shrugged my shoulders although he couldn't see me. "I guess they got bored with me."

I heard rumbling in the background and then Ashton said, "I'll be there in ten minutes."

"It's okay Ashton. I know you were sleeping-"

He cut me off again. "I'll be there in ten minutes," he repeated. "Do you have cereal?"

I laughed. "Yeah."

"Then I might be there in even less time."

We hung up the phone and I made my way to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I didn't bother changing out of my sweat pants and Green Day t-shirt.

I made my way down stairs and turned on the TV. Then I cuddled into a blanket and watched spongebob until I heard the door bell ring through the large house.

I opened the door to see a sloppily dressed Ashton with a huge smile on his face and two spoons in his hand. He hugged me tightly and walked into the house without invitation, but it's not like I cared.

"What's with the spoons," I asked as I followed him into the house.

"Well," he started. "Most people bring flowers and chocolates to girls." He turned and looked at me. "But your a special type of girl," he mimicked what I said at the fair, "and I assumed you would rather me bring spoons."

I laughed at his comment and smiled. Taking his wrist in my hand, I led him to the kitchen. "We have Honey Smacks, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, and Captain Crunch," I said as I opened the cereal cabinet.

"Apple Jacks are the best," he replied to me.

I got out two bowls and poored one full of Apple Jacks and one full of Honey Smacks. I then filled them up with milk and watched as Ashton stuck the spoons into them. He picked them up and carried them into the living room.

"You can change it if you want," I said quietly while inspecting the ground.

Ashton took my hand and squeezed it lightly before releasing. "I like spongebob," he said leaning back.

I smiled and we sat in silence while we ate our cereal and watched the square, yellow, sponge.


"Do you know what time everyone else is coming?" I asked Ashton.

We were in the middle of a game of checkers and he was winning by far.

"Around twelve I think," he mumbled as he moved his piece.

I moved mine and nodded my head. Ashton double jumped my pieces and smiled brightly.

I sighed. That was his fourth win in a row. "I give up," I exclaimed.

I looked up at the sound of Ashton's musical laughter and smiled. "What do you want to do now?" He asked, leaning back into the cushions of the couch. "We still have like two hours before anyone else gets here."

I looked around. "I don't know."

Ashton's eyes lit up. "Let's go swimming!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm. "Ashton we can't go swimming. You don't have a bathing suit and I hate swimming."

"I thought you were from California," Ashton said.

"I am."

"What kind of Californian doesn't like swimming?"



"Because I think it's pointless," I said.
"I hate swimming, it's just who I am."

"That is absolutely the craziest thing I have ever heard," Ashton said shaking his head.

"Whatever," I said lightly.

"I still feel like I don't know enough about you," Ashton said as I covered up on the couch.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Everything," Ashton smiled.

"Then I have an idea," I said quickly. Ashton shot his eye brows up. "Let's play twenty questions."

"Okay," Ashton said. "But you go first."

I situated myself so that my feet were in front of me and my arms were wrapped around my knees. Ashton did the same and, because his legs are so long, our legs ended up overlapping. I put the blanket over Ashton too and got comfortable.

"Okay, what's your middle name?" I asked.

He looked at me and shook his head. "That's a typical question," he said disapprovingly.

"Well you always start with Typical questions."

"Fletcher. Ashton Fletcher Irwin," he said. "Yours?"

"You can't reply to my question with the same question," I said with my eye brow raised.

"I know that," Ash said, "I just wanted to know."

"Juliet," I replied carefully. "Rosalie Juliet Silvers."

He smiled. "That's perfect."

I blushed. "Whatever," I said trying to take the attention from me. "Your turn."

He looked up. "Favorite color?"

Easy. "Blue," I replied.

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