Chapter Fourty-Four

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(Ashton POV)
I left Rosie's smiling just like every time I talk to her or think about her. I don't know what's gotten over me, I never used to act this mushy and stuff before she came around, but I didn't even want it to go away. I didn't want anything she ever did or caused to go away. I loved how she got jealous the other day whenever Haley tried to flirt with me, it was kind of hot actually.

I was a little upset that she didn't want to come to practice but I couldn't focus with her around so this might actually be for the better. One night without her wasn't gonna kill me, I hope.

When I got to Michael's there was only one other car in the driveway and I didn't recognize it meaning I was on time for once. I walked in quietly hoping to sneak up on Michael and whoever was with him. It was probably just Laurie, they had been together a lot lately. I think they could get together if Calum didn't kill Mike in the process.

There was no one in the main room so I put down my drum sticks and started toward the back room, I could hear shuffling. When I walked in I was completely shocked. I was shocked to the point where I couldn't move and I knew Calum wasn't going to beat up Michael for getting with his sister, he was going to beat up Michael for getting with his ex.

I walked in on a very intense make-out session between Haley and Michael, something I would very much like to un-see. I could have lived my whole life never having I replay that in my head again.

Haley jumped up from the couch obviously startled by me barging in on them but they were the ones who should have been keeping up with the time.

"Oh, sorry I didn't think my best friend would be getting it on with someone who basically cussed out my girlfriend Saturday," I said sarcastically. "Care to explain or are we going to just sit here and stare at each other?"

"Well um, Ashton you have to understand. We didn't mean for this to happen. It wasn't our fault," Michael started. I snickered at his comment.

"Then who's fault was it?" I said angrily.

All they could do was stand there awkwardly and look at me like I was speaking a foreign language.

"So you were just planning on keeping this from Calum and Laurie... And the rest of us?" I questioned them gaining irritation by the second.

"We were gonna tell all of you!" Haley said quickly. "We just wanted to wait for the right time, when everyone was together and open to... suggestions." She dragged out the last word like she couldn't tell if it was the right thing to say.

"You can't say anything, Ash," Michael said quietly, trying to convince me.

"If you do it will ruin everything and it'll make us look bad, you could get Michael kicked out of the band," Haley butted in.

What she said caught my attention. As wrong as this was it shouldn't cost Michael's spot in our group, Haley deserved everything thrown at her but Michael was honestly a good guy as hard as it was to tell that right now.

"Fine," I said sharply. "But you better get around to telling everyone soon or else I will." I said the whole thing quietly and deeply so they got the message that I wasn't kidding around.

They both nodded their heads quickly and Michael walked Haley outside. I didn't care to follow, the thoughts and concerns traveling through my head were more important and they were clouding my vision a bit.

'What were the boy's going to think? How hurt would Calum be? Would Piper care?' But most importantly, 'How was I gonna keep this from Rosie? I tell that girl everything.'

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