Chapter Fourty-One

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After the incident with Haley, all of us were on the way to Michael's house to hang out. Ashton and I were in the backseat of Calum's car when I remembered something he had said the day before.

"Calum, you said you told Haley you have feelings for another girl,"
I said slowly. "Care to explain?"

"Well, I met this girl named Piper and she's very nice. She is actually Laurie's best friend so that's how we met. Do you wanna meet her? I could call and invite her over," I could tell he was overly excited so this girl must actually be special.

I looked over to Ashton and waited for him to say something. He was really thinking about it, and I understand why. I had only know Haley and Calum for a short time and it was weird for me, this must be horrifying for everyone else.

"I think we should meet her," Ashton said slowly.

Calum nodded his head and pulled out his cell to make the call to this mystery girl.


When we got to Calum's house Everyone else was already there, including Piper. We walked in and the first person I saw was an unusually tall girl talking to Morgan and Laurie. When she saw us walk in she smiled and strolled over to Calum, hugging him tightly.

Everyone was just staring at them because this was so awkward. Yesterday I was completely convinced that Calum would be spending the rest of his life with Haley but now here he is hugging some other girl. Piper had straight dirty blond hair and blue/grey eyes. She was taller than Laurie and me but her and Morgan were still shorter than all of the boys.

Piper walked over to where Ashton and I were standing, and I realized she must think we're freaks because we haven't said a word. We've just been standing here inspecting her and Calum and the entire situation going on here.

"Hi, I'm Piper," she smiled showing off her braces. In all honesty the girl was completely gorgeous but I was beginning to get intimidated with all the blonds around here.

"I'm Ashton and this is my girlfriend," I basically melted when he introduced me as his girlfriend. "Rosalie."

"Hey," I said still trying to get some kind of vibe off this girl. I defiantly didn't want to trust her and then her turn out like some of my friends back home. Steph hasn't said a word to me since I moved. "Are you from the states?"

"Yeah, how could you tell?"

I laughed lightly. "You don't have an accent."

"Actually she does, just not to you," Ashton said to me quietly. Then, allowing his voice to grow so Piper could hear, "Rosie's from California," Ashton continued talking about me.

"I figured so, you sound like it." Piper smiled.

"Where are you from?"

"North Carolina is were I moved from but originally I'm from New York City."

"That's amazing," I sighed wide eyed. "I always wanted to move there but the most my dad would allow was us going on vacations there."

"Really? But the lights are always so bright and the city literally never sleeps." She said confused.

"And that's my favorite part!"

I could already tell me and Piper were going to be really close. She was super cool and would easily fit in with all of us really well. I guess it's easy for me to let people in, I'm obviously not a well shielded person.

Piper and I went and joined Morgan and Laurie by the couch while the boys got ready to practice for their upcoming gig.

"Have you ever heard them preform?" I asked Piper curiously.


"Well then your in for a real treat," I said smiling at they started their song.

"Tonight we're fading fast
I just wanna make this last
If I could say the things that I want to say,
I'd find a way to make you stay
I'd never let you get away
Catch you in all the games we've played"

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