Chapter 01 - Beginning

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Authors notes: Hello, this is my first story, so i hope you like.

Credit of The photo above goes to Sachiya by SkyGiratina00 on DeviantArt. I love her Naruto OC character and really wish I knew how to draw my own characters. But anyway, this is what the character looks like. But feel free to change it to the looks if you want.

The story starts now!


My name is (l/n) (y/n). The daughter of (l/n) (fathers name), who is the head of our family's business. I'm 17 years old and a junior in high school. I lived in Konoha since I was born, which is also the day my mother died. I left Konoha in the spring of my last year in middle school and moved to Suna. I stayed there for two and a half years now, but on my second semester of my junior year, I will be returning to my home living with my brother and his wife. Seeing all my old friends will be hard since I didn't keep in touch. Also, I was pretty harsh to them and didn't tell them I was moving. One of them in particular, I was really mean to. Makes me wonder what will happen next.

10 days before the first day of school

Messages - Brother (Shun)

Shun: Hey, lil sis! Alice and I can't wait for u to live with us!😀

Shun: Here's the address in case the driver lost tit <Address>

Shun: it**

(Y/N): Yeah. Can't wait! 🙂

Shun: IK how u feel. Father is just busy is all, but that's a good thing. You being far from him is the safest plan.

(Y/N): IDC about him hurting me or not winning father of the year. I'm happy to get far away from him. I'm never going to see him again.

Shun: You'll be happy coming back to Konoha after almost 3 years. I'm mostly happy you'll be there when my babies arrive in 4 mouths!😆🥰👶🏻👶🏻

My older brother, (l/n) Shun. He's six years older than me, tall, dark hair, and brown-ish/hazel eyes. He used to tell me about what mom was like and how I looked like her. He's a good and protective big brother. However, he never protected me much when our father used to abuse me. He blames himself for not stopping him and for not calling the cops sooner. Someone I knew called the cops, but took my grandfather instead. Grandfather later died after a month in prison for something he didn't do.

After Shun's high school years, he went straight to college for business and started working for our family business. The (l/n) company has 4 different locations in Japan and 3 outside of Japan, which he ended up working at the one in Konoha. He told me that he overheard our father that he was planning to banish me right away. Claiming I don't deserve the (l/n) name, which made Shun stand up to my father and demand I live with him instead. Good thing that siblings stick together.

6 days before the first day of school

Messages - Sister-in-law (Alice)

Alice: Hey, what time are you leaving tomorrow? 🤔

(Y/N): Around 6am, so I'll be there around 8pm.

Alice: Are you going to miss your friends in Suna?

(Y/N): I can come visit in the summer 😎🏖 the beaches here are so amazing!

Alice: Oh, that reminds me! Did you get our present? I forgot you were at the (l/n)'s winter lodge, so I was afraid you didn't get it.

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