Chapter 18 - Summer Lovin (part four)

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Author: I will make edits on the other chapters. Like the missing words, missed spellings, and other stuff. I'm mostly focused on getting the story finish and then doing the edits that I missed. At least I'm reminding you all that there will be more chapters!


Saturday - Day 7

Messages - Alice 08:15pm

Alice: Hey, how's your beach vacation?

(Y/N): It's great! Really fun!

Alice: Wow, that's good 👍🏻🙂 Hope you won't be too sad when you come home.

(Y/N): I won't be sad. I miss the twins, my bro, and you.

(Y/N): I will be sad not to stay another week, but I have work, and I can tell the twins miss me too much.

Alice: Yep, they do miss you so much that they want you to watch them so their parents can have a date night.

(Y/N): LOL 😆 OK 👌🏼 I will watch them. How are you guys?

Alice: We're fine, thank you for asking. Babies are keeping us busy. Shun's been taking the night shifts since he's still awake from bringing work home.

Alice: What time will you come home tomorrow?

(Y/N): Tell Shun not to overdo it. I don't want to come back seeing him die on his desk. Make sure you treat him like the babies.

(Y/N): And probably around 6pm to 8pm.

Alice: Already doing that, and that's good.

(Y/N): Yep, yep, yep.

Alice: BTW, can I ask you something?

Alice: Have you experienced summer love?

(Y/N): Did my brother ask you to see if a guy touched me or whatever? 😑

Alice: Yeah, he's just worried about you, is all. He wants to make sure you're not doing anything you're not ready for or being with the wrong guy who'll hurt you.

(Y/N): More reasons why I'm ignoring his texts because he kept on checking on me to see if I'm with a boy or drinking underage.

Alice: Well, I'll just tell him you're okay 😄 So what are you doing on your last night?

(Y/N): Girls and I are having a sleepover party. The boys, I don't really care. I should get back to them, tho.

Alice: See you tomorrow! Night love you ❤

(Y/N): Goodnight, love you too 😘

"Hey, (y/n)! Put your phone down. It's your turn," Ino said to me, and I turned off my phone. "Okay, would you rather get caught stealing something or get caught going skinny dipping?"

"Depends on who caught me doing them," I said, wanting to make my decision a bit easier.

"Well, the stealing, of course, a cop or maybe your dad and the skinny dipping can be a total stranger or maybe Kiba~." Ino said, grinning at me the moment she mentions Kiba's name to me.

I blush a little just by hearing his name. Since the morning, we've been getting much closer to each other. We walked on the beach, and he gave me a bite of his lunch, holding hands, and a lot of long make-outs in my room. It ended right when Sakura and Termari screamed it was time to have a sleepover and forcefully kicked him out. I love how he's now my boyfriend and how he makes me so happy. I shake the thoughts of him out of my head before I start thinking anything naughty and now think about Ino's question. If I get caught stealing by my father, I would literally be dead. If it was a cop, my brother would know, most likely my father would still somehow know, and I'll still be dead. If I got caught skinny dipping by a stranger or Kiba, both would be just be perverts, yet I'll still be alive.

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now