Chapter 32 - Netflix and Chill (+18 and up)

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******WARNING!!!!!!****** This chapter is for mature readers only!!!


Hours later - 9:15pm

After watching Kiba getting scratched by Sweets when he had to take her back and ordered pizza when he came back with more scratches. We started our good long day with Netflix and Chill. Which turned into a comforting date since Shun and Alice haven't come home before nine. I am worried why they're not back yet, but I decided to not over think it. Once the last episode of the show we were watching had finished, both Kiba and I disagreed with the ending.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kiba shouts. "This guy was head over heels for this annoying girl, but she still ends up with that other guy she's fan girl crazy for?!"

"I know, right?" I said, agreeing with him. "I mean, I get the shy girl couldn't confess, and I'm kind of happy for her, but the writer so played us."

"Ahhhh! I hate anime and mangas. The writers always think it's fun to mess with our heads when it comes to getting charters together." Kiba complains.

I nod while the credits go on. "So, what else do you want to watch?" I ask him.

"Can we talk about the elephant in the room first?" He asks me seriously, pointing at my leg.

'Oh, right. He wants to talk about my incident,' I thought to myself while turning off the TV.

"You know, I'm glad you're okay and all, but I'm seriously frustrated that you didn't tell me where you were." He finally said his feelings.

"I didn't need anyone's permission to leave, and Ino sure wasn't going to let us take her car if we tell her. Besides, Sakura and I didn't know Karin was following us-"

"Exactly! Danger, literally, lurks around in every corner! And you were one of their victims!" He shouts at me, and I froze. It wasn't like our normal shouts. This one is very serious, and I can tell he's really mad at me. He looks at my fear expression before calming down. "Sorry, (y/n). It's just that... When I heard from Sasuke that you were in the hospital... I feel like my own life was taken away from me. This isn't the first time someone I love was taken away from me. I don't want you to be gone for good as well..."

Kiba looks down upset. I forgot that his first girlfriend died. His whole life turned upside down ever since. Now that I'm back and this happened, I couldn't imagine how worried he was. I'm wondering if I'm dead or not.

He continues, "I wanted to get out of bed and drive to the hospital right away, but my mom heard that your dad is back and at the hospital too before I did. She didn't want me to get in the way if I came with her. She knew I would beat your dad up while he's unconscious." He said while squeezing his hands together. "My mom told me what happened from what Sakura and your former servants said. She even let me know that you're okay and slept well. It doesn't make me feel any better that I almost lost you..."

He shut his eyes, and tears came down. Feeling bad now, I move closer to him and hug him. "I'm sorry for not letting you know, Kiba. I just wanted to see my mother's grave since it was the day of her death..." I said to him while hugging him tight. "Luckily, Sakura was there with me. If she wasn't, I would've died. However, please know there is nothing that's going to take me away from you."

He moves his head to look at me face to face and stare at my eyes. "Are you sure?"

I notice a tear fall slowly on his cheek. Instantly, I lean in to lick that tear. Once I pulled back, I could tell his sad face changes into surprised to my action. "I promise you, Kiba-kun."

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now