Chapter 17 - Summer Lovin (part three)

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Friday - Day 5 2:08pm

"Oi! I'm still waiting for my food!" Kiba shouts at me from his couch. Waiting for me to give him his food.

"Geez, I heard you complain five times now!" I shout from the kitchen. I finish plating the food and run to give it to Kiba that he has been waiting and whining for the last ten minutes. "Here you go." I turn around after handing it to him.

"Stop!" Kiba orders me to stop, and I obeyed. "You forgot to say your lines again, fur ball." He smirks, knowing I have to say them.

I sigh and force a big smile on my face, "Please enjoy your food, master! Oh, how amazing and so handsome you are! One day, I hope the whole world will be filled with dogs because cats are nasty hair balls!" I said in a high-pitched voice that makes me want to kill myself now.

"Well, thank you. Nice to know someone agrees with me. Thank you for the meal," He said while enjoying his meal. I walk back to the kitchen where Sakura is and wash the dishes with her.

Yesterday, we were tied with Team 10. We had to play Rock Paper Scissors to find out which will be the losing team. I was up against Shikamaru, and we both won the first two rounds each. However, in the third round, he led his team to victory by playing paper while I did rock again. Meaning my team, which are myself, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Sai, has to do whatever Team 8's orders are. With the acceptation of other teams who want to torture us as well, but only if the winners agreed to their requests. So far, Sakura and I have been cooking breakfast and lunch. Sasuke and Naruto have been carrying Kiba around and entertaining him. Shino keeps on ordering Sai to draw him riding on his favorite bug creatures, which are a lot. Even Sai starts to get creep out by all the drawings he's been doing.

"Are you okay, Hinata?" Shino asks Hinata while posing as he notices Hinata start rubbing her shoulder again.

"O-Oh, I'm fine. It's just that my left shoulder has been hurting me since that volleyball round..." She answers shyly while still rubbing her shoulder. Sakura and I glared at Naruto, who was on the floor, being Kiba's footstool.

"What are you girls looking at me for?" Naruto asks us.

Both of us got annoyed by Naruto's stupidity and grabbed hold of him to get up. Then, we put his hands on Hinata's shoulders, which made her flinch and turn red. Naruto got confused at first, but then went ahead and gave her a massage. Sakura and I smile and have a high five on it.

"Hey! I want the winners to send one of your losers to get ice cream from this amazing ice cream shop that's a fifteen minute walk from here." Temari walks inside with Shikamaru.

"I might as well go because I know what ice cream shop you're talking about and what flavor you love," I volunteer.

"Yep, I knew you would want to go," She said, smiling and throwing my wallet towards me. I caught it. "Get me the Oreo Cream ice cream from Non-Melting Ice Cream Shop. Get me the 16oz. Get yourself something too. Since it is your money. I'll text you what everyone else wants."

'Of course she has my wallet already, but hey, it beats standing here and waiting for someone to order me around.' I thought to myself while already heading out.

Either have a long walk to the ice cream shop and back in the heat while carrying bags of ice cream. Or be order to do something embarrassing with the others. Of course, I would choose that without waiting for Team 8's approval of Temari's request. Once I got outside and walked past the cars, Kiba's car started hooking so suddenly, which took me by surprise and scream. Leading me to fall on the ground and land on my butt. I hear laughter, which sounds like Kiba's laugh. I turn to see Kiba walking towards me.

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