Chapter 29 - Birthday Surprise (part one)

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" The annoying shouting noise woke me up from my slumber. Those were from my brother and his wife. I rub my eyes and see Shun holding his babies while Alice is carrying a tray of breakfast. I sit up on my bed and stretch out my arms. Alice put down the tray of breakfast on my lap.

"Thank you to the both of you, but I would've liked waking up without my heart pounding," I said to them.

"I can't help it, (y/n)," Shun said while giving baby Rukia to Alice. He sits down on my bed with baby Ichigo. "My little sister is eighteen and growing up so fast before my eyes. Soon, you'll be out of high school and doing your own things that will make you happy. Grandfather would've been proud."

I smile at him, "I haven't really decided what to do yet, but I am thankful."

"It's okay, deciding on what to do in the future takes time without limits," he said, then leaned in to hug me. After that, I gave baby Ichigo a little kiss on the head before my brother got up. "Okay, when you're done with your breakfast, all of us will go out somewhere, have dinner later on, and then come home to open presents."

"I still have work, remember- Oh wait! What? Is that the time!?" I ask them both in panic. The time on my phone reads 11:05am. "Oh no! I missed half of my hours! How can I be late?! Why didn't my alarm-"

"I turned it off," Alice answers to me. "I called them, and they said it's fine that you skip today since it's your birthday." She gives me a warm smile.

"And I took the day off to spend time with you," Shun said.

"Yet, you know I'm not much of a celebrator," I remind him. My birthday isn't really a big deal. I don't enjoy celebrating it, nor did my father. Mostly because I'm reminded that it's not just my birthday. It's the day my mother died.

"I know, I know. You don't want parties. Like I want that too," he said to me. "Now eat and get ready. We'll head to the mall after this."

I nod as they leave my bedroom. While I eat my food, my phone blows up with so many messages. I take a look.

Group Messages – Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, and (Y/N)

Ino: Happy Birthday (Y/N)!!!!! 🎂 🎁

Sakura: Hey (y/n)!! Happy Bday!!! ❤❤❤

Hinata: Happy 18th Birthday (y/n)! 🎉🥳🎈

Tenten: Happy bday!!!🎆🎆

(Y/N): Thx girls. It means a lot! 💚

Hinata: What are you going to do today?

(Y/N): My bro, sis in law, and their babies made me breakfast. The five of us will go out afterward. That's all I will do, lol.

Ino: No presents? 🎁

(Y/N): I'll open what they got me after bday dinner.

Sakura: Are you going to dress up?

(Y/N): Ripped jeans and a funny baseball shirt are what I'm thinking to wear.

Ino: What!?!? 😱 You should wear something more nicer than your regular clothes!

Tenten: I wish I could come celebrate but I got exams! 😭

Ino: Yeah, me too!! I have to work all day! 😩

Sakura: Hinata and I have a project due Monday that's so hard!!!

Hinata: Yes, it's really troublesome. 😞

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