Chapter 12 - Prom Night

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

After spring break was over and the first day back to school started, the first thing I did was meet up with Sasuke and Kiba. I told them it was best if I don't date them. I don't trust myself in a relationship nor do I want to ruin our friendships. Meaning I have also rejected their prom proposals. I mean, yes, my feelings for Kiba grew more, but Sasuke got in my head after his help taking Kagome, Alice, and I to the hospital. I want to be on the safe side until I'm really ready. Luckily, both understood and respected my decision. Both agreed to stay friends with me. Sai and Ino are even happily dating. Neji, Lee, and Tenten couldn't wait to graduate. Sakura is talking to me again, but I know she's secretly hurt. Alice and Shun finally came home with the twins. The whole week was normal.

Once prom night finally arrived, all my friends came to my job to eat before they went out to dance. It was nice to see everyone all dressed up and smiling with their dates; Hinata with Naruto. Ino with Sai. Tenten with Neji. Sakura agreed to go with Lee because Sasuke wasn't going due to family issues, apparently. Kiba decided to go solo. Shikamaru is at Temari's prom. Choji said he got a date, and he's at her prom as well and invited Shino with him. The girls looked so beautiful in their dresses they all bought when they finally wasted my time in so many stores to find their perfect dresses. The guys looked handsome in their tusks and ties.

To cover my lost hours, I'm working all day at my job today. Honestly, it's much better than going out in tight dresses and sweaty guys. During my break, I look through my messages that some of my friends have already sent me pictures.

Messages - Ino 8:15pm

Ino: <sends group selfie>

(Y/N): You guys still look awesome when you came to my job.

(Y/N): I'm glad the hours of torturing me and stopping you and Sakura from fighting over a dress had help.

Ino: Thank you lots LOL 😆😆😆are you on break?

(Y/N): Yeah, I didn't take the one earlier, so now I'm taking it now.

Ino: Hey, prom won't end until 12am. You can still come!

(Y/N): In my work clothes? No thx LOL I'll wait next year.

Ino: U better! BC I'm not letting u go back on your word!

Messages - Naruto 8:18pm

Naruto: <sends picture of him with Hinata>


(Y/N): Okay.


(Y/N): Do you like like her now!?

Naruto: Yeah! For the past 2 months, she's really caring and wonderful! My feelings for her had been growing more!

(Y/N): That's great! Maybe you can come to my job for your first date with her and give me a much better tip than a ramen coupon you gave me today.

Messages - Tenten 8:20pm

Tenten: <sends picture of the dance>

(Y/N): How's your prom night?

Tenten: Great! Tho Lee is getting really nervous around Sakura LOL 😅

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