Chapter 03 - Team 7 Is Back!

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Days Later

Saturday has finally come, and I was really looking forward to hanging out with my friends again and Sai. Sakura apparently planned everything in only a few days. She announced to the five of us that we'll be going to The Mall of Konoha. I haven't been there since I was in middle school. However, it didn't matter where we were going, I'm just so excited to be with my fellow Team 7 members.

We became a team in our last sixth grade year in summer camp and proved our camp whose team is better. Each team must have three or four members. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and I were put in the same team with our camp council, who became our high school's homeroom teacher, Kakashi Sensei. That was where we met the Kagome, Gaara, Termari, and Kankuro. We never knew who won in the first camp battle due to unexpected events that happened to Gaara, but we did win first place in the second Camp Battle. It was the happiest summer I ever had.

While getting ready and thinking about good memories, I got a text from Sakura.

Message – Sakura

Sakura: We're here! Come out! Sasuke is taking us to the mall!

Sakura: Sit in the back with Sai and Naruto.

"Really? Dang it, I gotta move," I said while quickly putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth.

I grabbed my bag, said my byes to my brother and sister-in-law, ran out of the apartment, and walked down the stairs. I saw a black Mustang that looked so new and clean that I instantly knew it's Sasuke's car. The car window went down and revealed Sakura with her smiling face. I got in the backseat and sat next to Naruto. Sai was sitting next to him while Sakura was in the front with Sasuke, who was driving.

"Welcome back, (y/n)," Sasuke said before putting the car in drive.

I couldn't help but look at Sasuke. This is the first time I've seen him in person since he was with his family. He looks as handsome, as always, and acts the same since I last saw him. I can tell by his moody and not giving a care in the world voice that he really is happy that I'm back.

"Oh, (y/n)! This is Sai again! I know you guys had a short meeting on Monday, but this is him. He was yours and Sasuke's replacement during our last camp battle in middle school." Naruto said as I looked at Sai once again.

"Yes, we didn't talk much, so this would work as a re-introducing myself," Sai said, greeting me with a smile.

"Well, it's very nice to-" Suddenly, Sai leans past Naruto to get closer to my face. I flinch back in panic, not knowing what is happening. "H-Hey, ever heard of personal space!?" I ask him.

"Oh, forgive me, Sakura said you have a big mou-."

"Hey!" Sakura cut Sai off. "We're already close to the mall! (y/n), hopefully, there are some stores hiring." Sakura said to me.

'I guess she hasn't fully forgiven me about what I did back then...' I thought to myself now a little upset.

Ten Minutes Drive Later

"Let's just get this day over with," Sasuke said as the five of us started walking around the mall.

The Mall of Konoha has five levels and each with its own floor. On the 5th floor, it's a huge movie theater. The food court and other food stands are all on the 4th floor. For tech stuff, entertainment items, toys, and other cool stuff are on the 3rd floor. The 2nd floor covers all the clothing, beauty care, and jewelry stores. Leaving the 1st floor with roll coasters and games. To celebrate my return, Sakura thought it would be fun to each get a turn to go somewhere they want to take me. The boys agree but then realize Sakura is the first to do her turn.

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