Chapter 25 - The City of Tokyo

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Author: In case you forgot, Idate was in Naruto. I'm just reminding you LOL!

Please read my other stories My Long Journey As a Shinobi (and to his heart) (Kiba FF), The Life of Kaguya Kagome (Gaara's FF), My Yakuza Girlfriend (the new prequel to this story), and Dear Magic Shop (BTS FF)


Day 1 - Friday

Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, and I went straight to the airport after school. Meeting up with Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Kagome on their private plane, where it will take all of us to Tokyo. We will be relaxing at the hotel for today. Tomorrow, we'll watch Idate and his team. Then tour around the city the day before we leave. Luckily, Monday is a holiday, so we won't miss anything. Once we got there and our plane took off, Naruto and Gaara talked non-stop to each other. Kankuro and Shikamaru started playing card games. Leaving the three of us girls comforting Hinata because she was getting plane sickness. After we landed, we drove straight to the hotel.

"(y/n), we're at the hotel now," Hinata said gently touch my shoulder.

"What? When? How? Huh?" I ask in so much confusion.

"(y/n), you really need to stop with the narrative stuff in your head. This isn't a fan fiction story," Kagome said as I finally got out of the car. "If it is, I would get a story about me in a ninja world like that anime we saw. And Gaara would have some weird powers like sand, maybe."

"True," I agree while getting my bag out of the rental car.

The moment I walked inside, sure enough that it's a nice fancy hotel. Of course, the siblings would find the nicest hotel in the city with no money problems. Don't get me wrong, I know my family is rich too, but I'm not rich. I have to earn it by working because, well, you already know. I know Sasuke, Hinata, Neji, and Naruto's families are rich as well, but they don't spend so much as the siblings do. Well, not Hinata, at least. Kagome doesn't really come from any rich families, but her Uncle Baki works for Suna Mayor.

Gaara managed to get two rooms which are next to each other. One for the boys and the other for the girls. Once we got our rooms, Kagome ran in and jumped on the bed, which I did as well on the same bed with her. Hinata watches and smiles while sitting on the other bed. Temari stands while on her phone with her father. Letting him know we've arrived safely.

"Ahh~! Tokyo hotel beds are so soft!" Kagome said while cuddling up to the pillow and making Hinata giggle. I pulled out my phone to text Idate.

Message - Idate 05:49pm

(Y/N): Hey, we made it.

Idate: Awesome! 😄

Idate: I'm still training, so I'll see you tomorrow before the game starts and after it's over for a few minutes.

Idate: Sunday we'll all hang, OK?

(Y/N): K.

Eight Hours Later

The eight of us had dinner at the hotel's restaurant and talked for a long time until we were all tired. Everyone is sound asleep. I, on the other hand, can't sleep. I took this chance to leave my bed that I was sharing with Hinate and went out on the balcony. Bringing my earbuds and phone with me to clear my thoughts. I look out to the beautiful city lights and clear skies with a cool fall wind hitting my face. I put on my earbuds and play whatever music that's on the playlist that fits the mood.

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