Chapter 23 - Study Group

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Author: Thought it would be nice of me to post a video of Connie from SU studying since the chapter is about studying.... and drama! :P Also, I realized i didn't mention Neji, Tenten, and Lee so much since they're in college now. So I put up a gender swap fanart of them.

Credit to artist! Enjoy reading!!


Two Months later

"Why did you suggest doing this study group thing at my house?" Sasuke complains while sitting on his couch. Leaving me to get my books and papers ready.

"Because your living room is much bigger," I answer him, then join him on his couch.

"So are Naruto's and Hinata's living rooms at their parent's homes," he complains more.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Complain all you want. Three of our friends need their grades up, and Hinata wants to help."

The three friends who got their grades down are Naruto, Choji, and Ino. Naruto and Choji are understandable because Choji has been procrastinating lately. While Naruto just sleeps a lot and does not care about school other than basketball. Ino, on the other hand, has been busy helping out with her family's flower shop while leaving no time to do homework. Also, spending too much time with Sai.

"Hmph," he said, then rubbed my head. "Roll your eyes all you want, but I'm still not helping them out."

"I already got your mother's permission anyway, and she thinks it would be good for you to help out your friends," I said to him. I really did ask Mikoto, Sasuke's mother, for permission to study at the Uchiha Mansion because I knew Sasuke wouldn't ask her. Then maybe lie to us that his parents said no.

"She's not here, remember? When you asked her, she and my father were about to leave on their anniversary trip, so I could just do nothing." Sasuke said and gave me a grin saying that he won. I give him a soft smile in return.

It's been two months since Yumi drugged me, and Kiba broke up with me. You would think I'm all better now, but really, I'm still not. It has been the most miserable day in school and at work. Only good things during those days were going home, visiting Touka at her new café, and spending time with Sasuke and my friends.

During those past two months, I tried my best to ignore Kiba, like he doesn't exist in this world. What's worse is I have three classes and lunch with him. What's much worse is that I got gym and lunch with Yumi as well. I kept seeing them making out in the halls and during lunch, holding hands, and basically acting like a loving, happy couple, which breaks my heart more and more. To avoid them at lunch or rather not break down crying during lunch, I eat up on the rooftop with Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, and Choji. Sometimes with Ino and Sai as well, but they want to make sure Sakura is okay and nothing harmful will come my way.

Why is Sakura not eating with me? Easy, she went back to hating me and kind of became Yumi's friend. Why? Isn't it obvious? After telling the others what happened and all of them felt pity for me, Sasuke hadn't left my side since then. He started being cold and paying no attention to Sakura again. He's been making sure I eat, comforts me when I'm sad, and giving me rides to and from work. Hangs out at my place for a few hours after school despite Shun not liking a boy in my room even with the door wide open. Then, one day, she just stops talking to me and even Sasuke. It's also since then that I started getting threats from Karin and all of Sasuke's fangirls.

Did I mention that I'm getting threats and basically straight-up bullied? Well, I am by Karin and all of Sasuke's fangirls even though Sasuke and I are not dating, but people think that we are. They would stop me at bathrooms and try to beat me up when I'm not with Sasuke or leave threatened notes on my desk. Sometimes, they threw a ball at my head when I'm not aware of my surroundings during the gym, and that was from either them or Yumi and her friends.

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