Chapter 27 - A New Problem (part two)

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Author: This chapter is a bit short because I'm planning on finishing the next last few chapters. I will edit the chapters when all is done. Please enjoy reading!! ^~^


(Y/N)'s Point of View

I called and texted Sebastian over and over again. No answer. Not even a call back. I tried to calm myself by controlling my breathing, but it didn't work much. I walked around my room back and forth to keep myself from curled up on the floor crying. However, my thoughts remain in panic. Knowing my father most likely knows about the plan the police have for him and his children are with them. I fear my father since the day I was born. I want nothing more, but him in prison for the rest of his life. However, I still have thoughts that if he were to go to prison, he would probably get a hitman to finish me.

Kagome called after I waited alone in my room for almost two hours. I told her what happened from reunited with Kiba to hearing my father is gone and I have a choice to finally confess or not. However, it's really no choice at all. She knew I had thoughts that my father would get someone to kill me. He abuses me all my life, always wants me dead. Oh, who am I kidding. He would probably find a way to escape in order to kill me himself. While still talking on the phone with Kagome, I heard a knock on my door, but I ignored it. Then I hear someone trying to turn the door knob. Once again, I ignored it and lay on my bed while continuing my phone conversation with Kagome. It's most likely Shun, and I don't want to see him nor Alice, or anyone. I'm still very much thankful to Sasuke, who gave me a new door knob with a working lock the last time he came here. However, that lasted for a few minutes until my door opened itself.

I sit up from bed to see Kiba is the one who had opened my once good locked door. "How did you open my door? Why are you still here?" I ask him with a shock expression.

"My mom is a crazy cop lady, so I learned a lot of stuff like unlocking doors," he answers me.

"(y/n)?! Who's that you're talking to? Are you okay?" Kagome said on the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just Kiba-"


Kiba grabs my phone and hangs up on Kagome, then puts it gently on my nightstand. He allows himself to sit on the edge of my bed and stares at me. Our eyes locked, and I knew that he could tell that I've been crying. He knows I don't want to speak either. He knows I just want to forget today about the case against my father closing with no justice. He knows me too well. Just like I knew that he still wants me to talk about this with him.

"Let's go," he gets off from my bed and puts out his hand. "There's no time to be a fat lazy fur ball."

I wanted to scream at him for basically calling me fat, but I have no strength to do so. I reach my hand out for his and then grab my jacket. We walk out of my room and the apartment while holding hands. While walking down the stairs and his car is in view, I noticed Akamaru, who was outside the car, ran towards us. He barks and wages his tail to me. Then he moves his nose up to my hand so it's on his head. I smile and pet him.

"He really misses you," Kiba said while kneeling down to pet him with both hands. "I can always trust him to know what girls he likes." He laughs, and Akamaru licks his face.

"He's the only nice dog I know, but I still prefer cats," I said in hopes the nice dog wouldn't attack me.

Kiba gets up and takes my hand again, "Let's go, we're going on our first date."

"Huh? But I'm not properly dressed," I said, pointing out that I'm in my pajamas and jacket. "And is this really the best time-"

"Don't care," he said. He takes me to his car and opens the door for me. "This is a good time to not think of anything but us. So, get in." I did as he said.

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now