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Two Years and a Half Later - Kiba's Point of View

"Yo, Kiba!" Shino calls for me as he catches up with me at the door. "I'm guessing you failed that test again?"

"Shut up, Shino. It's not like it will affect me from still playing. The big game is next week." I said to him proudly.

"Sure, it won't. Anyways, remember we're meeting at Naruto's later tonight. See you there." Shino waves bye and walks straight to his home.

It's been almost three years since my promise to (y/n). She left to America for a school that will give her that photographers life. Traveling to countries and taking pictures. Living the dream as to what her letters said. Yep, that's right, letters. During her first year and came back for Christmas, she thought it would be fun and romantic to send letters instead of texting and calling so much. I thought it was stupid, but I did it anyway because she wanted it. Of course, I still text her, but she doesn't respond to me. She does to our friends, which only pissed me off more. She knows it. At least she still answered my video calls from time to time. It's actually not just for that "fun and romantic" reasons she wanted. Our schedules are very messy.

My practices have doubled while I'm trying to keep my grades up. I also took a part-time job at my mom's police academy as police dog trainer. I gotta keep making more money for my own apartment and other stuff somehow, right? (y/n) is in multiple time zones, and she still has school work to complete. She even became a bit stressful, worked at paid and non-paid volunteer places, and had a lot of jet lags. This means we barely sent any texts and answered our calls. It would be a very rare opportunity if we get one video call with a good signal and longer than thirty minutes of conversation.

In (y/n)'s letters, she talks about the places she went to and said there are some that I and the others should go. She said she misses my hugs and kisses. She even mentioned some weird stuff Sweets had done. I still can't believe she brought her cat everywhere she goes. Then, she would mention her teachers and the grades she received from them with their judgmental good and bad opinions of the photos she took. Even talked about some friends she made. Problems when there were people who knew her and her dad. When I read her letters, I straight away call her despite our time difference and busy schedules. Even if it's for a few seconds, I just wanted to hear her voice.

Akamaru comes to work and practices with me, which makes my day more exciting. Of course, he comforts me when I get into my lonely deep thoughts and missing (y/n). My friends always make sure that I don't get too depress from missing her so much. I'm grateful for that. However, Sakura is making sure I don't go back to my playboy ways if I need a woman's body in my bed to make me "feel more better". It's not just her that thinks I'm still a player. Some students from high school, mostly girls, came to Konoha University as well. Half warned other girls in our school to stay away from me while the other half still wants me. As much as I love the feeling of being the popular guy in college, it bothers me a little. Of course, I didn't go after any girl. (y/n) is the only girl I want in my life.

"Akamaru!" I shout as I walk out of the college building. I see him lying beside the tree. He gets up and walks to me. "Sorry boy, I know it still sucks that you can't come inside. It's more strict here than our last schools."

He barks, meaning that he agrees and we start walking our way to our apartment. I pull out my phone to see that I have four hours to relax until I need to head out to Naruto 's and Hinata's place. Then I automatically look at the photo of (y/n) and I that's on my lock screen. I got her letter last month saying she had to repeat some classes she failed, which means she had to stay in America for another few months. I called her, but she didn't answer. I sent my letter that month, but I didn't get her response letter. I asked my friends if she had heard from her, but all of them said she's busy with homework, photos, and working. I visited Shun to see if he could call her for me, but she didn't pick up. Her butler, Sebastian, did and said she'll call when she's free. It only just hurts me more and more.

I feel Akamaru's nose hitting my hand. I look down at him and see that he knows what I'm feeling. I rub his head, "I can't help it. It's been almost a month and a half already with no word. I wonder if she's alright-"

"Meow~!" I hear an annoying cat noise as we were about to turn to the apartment building.

I look to see a grown white cat sitting on the stairs. It has a tag, so it must have an owner. It sees both Akamaru and I before hisses at us. It made Akamaru growl in anger. Before I could pretend to try to stop him, he started running after it and the cat went up the stairs. I run after Akamaru, so he won't actually eat someone's cat again. Once we were up to the fourth floor, which my apartment is, I caught up to them. That's when I saw Akamaru and the cat stop in front of my door.

'Huh? Weird. Akamaru usually eats any random cat he sees. But he's doing nothing and the cat is sitting inches away from him. The only cat he doesn't attack is- Wait...' I look at the cat a little more carefully to realize it looks familiar with my eyes widen now.

I slowly walk towards my door. Instead of taking out my keys from my pocket to unlock the door, I reach out my hand to the knob and turn it. Discovering that the door is unlocked. I open it slowly and walk in. Then I take off my shoes and smell something that's coming from the kitchen. I walk to my kitchen, and my heart stops.

"Oh? You're home a little early. Good thing the soup is almost done," (y/n) said, walking away from the stove and towards me. She puts her hands on both sides of my face with a brighly and beautiful smile on. "Welcome home, mutt."

"Are you really here?" I ask her in shock.

"Yes, I'm finally back and starting at the university next month," she answers. "Sorry that I didn't message you. I lied about retaking my failed classes so I can get all my stuff back and put them at the old mansion. As well as helping out Shun moved there since they're having another baby and needed more room. I told our friends not to tell you that I'm back so I could surprise you. Plus, I wanted to visit Kagome and my father-"

I closed the space between us by pulling her closer to me and slamming my lips onto hers. I'm happy she's back. I'm happy that I don't need to wait for another few months to see her. I'm happy that I won't struggle with time differences, missed calls, unanswered texts, and writing dumb letters. I'm happy that I no longer can only physically see her every Christmas. I'm happy. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back. After minutes, she pulls away quickly to turn off the stove. She pours the soup into a small bowl and hands it to me.

"Eat up. You worked hard today, and you'll need a lot of your strength for helping out with Naruto's proposal to Hinata."

I take the bowl and smile at (y/n). It's now the start of our future together.


Messaging - Author

Author: THE END!

Author: Read The Special Chapter!

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now